Image of a pencil and the words 'writing competition for children and young people'
We would love to hear from you around the theme… ’What it’s like to be me’

In partnership with our Council of Governors, we have launched a writing competition for children and young people. We hope this competition will celebrate equality, diversity and inclusion by giving entrants the opportunity to write about themselves and to share their experiences with others.

What kind of writing can I submit?

Please send us a poem, prose, letter, diary entry or blog post on the theme of 'what it's like to be me'. It must be your own, original work.

The word limit is 500 words. You can submit a typed or handwritten story. It should be clear and easy to read.

Who can enter?

The competition is open to children and young people who:

  • Live in Derby and Derbyshire
  • Are aged 18 or under.

How do I enter?

As well as your writing, you will need to complete and submit an entry form (opens in Microsoft Word).

The entry form includes a section for parents and carers to sign, for those who are aged 17 and under. The entry form sets out the competition rules, which you can also find below.

There are two ways to enter:

  • Email your writing and the signed entry form - to
  • Post your writing and a printed copy of the entry form - to Denise Baxendale (Membership and Involvement Manager), Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, c/o Executive Directors’ Suite, Ashbourne Centre, Kingsway Hospital, Kingsway, Derby, DE22 3LZ.

We would prefer to receive entries electronically, by email.

When is the closing date?

The closing date for the competition is 26 July 2024.

When will the winners be announced?

The winning entries will be announced at the Trust’s Annual Members Meeting, on 26 September 2024. This meeting will focus on ‘the health of our children and young people’. Prizes for the winners will include a certificate and book token.

How can I find out more?

If you have a question that is not answered here, have a look at the rules (below). Or email or telephone 01332 623723.

  1. The competition is organised by Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. It has been organised to coincide with the Trust’s Annual Members Meeting, the theme of which is: ‘The health of our children and young people’.
  2. Entry to this competition is open to children and young people up to and including the age of 18 years who live in Derby and Derbyshire. 
  3. The Trust, along with the Council of Governors, would like to hear from children and young people on what it’s like to be you, by sharing your experiences and achievements.
  4. To enter, you must write a piece about what it’s like to be you that is no more than 500 words in length. You can send us a poem, a short story, a diary piece or a blog post, or a letter. The piece of writing must be the original work of the author.
  5. You can submit a typed or handwritten story. It should be clear and easy to read. 
  6. You must complete the entry form and attach it to your entry. If you are under 18 years of age, your parent or guardian must sign the entry form – this is really important.
  7. Your submission, along with the entry form, can be emailed to or posted to Denise Baxendale (Membership and Involvement Manager), Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, c/o Executive Directors’ Suite, Ashbourne Centre, Kingsway Hospital, Kingsway, Derby, DE22 3LZ. We would prefer to receive entries electronically.
  8. The entries cannot be returned, so please make a copy of your entry before you submit it.
  9. After the closing date of 26 July 2024, a panel of judges will shortlist the entries. The judges’ decision will be final. Finalists will be invited to attend the Trust’s Annual Members Meeting on 26 September where the winners will be announced.
  10. Winners will receive a certificate and book voucher.  
  11. The shortlisted entries will be featured on the Trust’s website, in Trust publications and in a booklet produced in-house.
  12. By entering the competition, you keep your copyright but you give permission to Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust to publish your entry and your name on the Trust’s internet and website (including social media).
  13. If you would like to find out more, please email or telephone 01332 623723.

The entry form is a Microsoft Word document.