Update on Talking Therapies Services

You may have seen some recent local news references to the NHS Talking Therapy services in Derby and Derbyshire.

Derby and Derbyshire’s NHS Talking Therapies is delivered by four providers who work on behalf of the NHS. This means that the service is based on a programme of care set by the NHS, and the support you receive is free. If you need care and support from Talking Therapy services, you can ask your GP for a referral or refer yourself directly to our providers. 

The four current providers are:

Some recent local news coverage has highlighted that the current contract for the service expires in 2025. The NHS is therefore going through a procurement process to find a provider for the new contract. 
If the provider changes in 2025, the service will continue to be an NHS service, there will be no gap in service, and it will continue to be free at the point of use. Waiting lists would be transferred seamlessly to any new providers, and you would be seen when you reach the top of the waiting list. 

Other ways to get support

If you or your loved one are experiencing distress or anxiety, or feeling that you cannot cope, call 0800 028 0077 for support over the phone. The Derbyshire Mental Health Helpline and Support Service is a freephone service available to everyone living in Derbyshire – young people and adults. It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The SignVideo app also allows deaf or hard of hearing people to make BSL interpreted videos calls via their electronic device.
