If you are not happy with your care, please talk to a member of staff. If they cannot help, tell us at the community meeting. This is a meeting of staff and patients.
The Patient Experience team will help you if we cannot sort things out. You can phone them on 01332 623751 or 0800 027 2128. We can call them for you if you wish.
We can get you more help if you need it. Please talk to one of the team.
Worried about your care?
If you are worried about something to do with your care...
- Speak to any member of staff. We all work as part of a team.
- If they cannot help, please talk to your named nurse or care coordinator.
- If the issue is not solved, bring it up at the community meeting.
- After this, if you still have an issue, please tell the ward manager.
- If the ward manager cannot solve your issue, please contact the Patient Experience team.
Patient Experience team
The Patient Experience team will listen to you and help you. They can tell you about other organisations who can help. They can help sort out any concerns you may have with any NHS service. Everything you tell them is confidential.
You and your family can contact the Patient Experience team on: 01332 623751 or freephone 0800 027 2128. If you prefer, you can ask a member of staff to contact the team for you.
Your feedback
We are always keen to improve what we do.
We want to:
- get things right
- focus on you
- be open
- be accountable
- act fairly and proportionately
- put things right
- improve all the time.
We do this by listening to you, your relatives and visitors.
Please tell us what you think we do well and how we could improve. You can do this by visiting the Your Feedback page. If you have problems with this, please speak to a member of staff.
If your issue cannot be solved using the steps above, you can make a complaint to the Patient Experience team.
Please contact them by emailing dhcft.patientexperience@nhs.net or by calling 01332 623751 or freephone 0800 027 2128.
Or write to:
Patient Experience team
Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Kingsway House (Room 160)
Kingsway Hospital
Derby DE22 3LZ
If you need help speaking up for yourself, you can use our advocacy service.
Advocates do not work for Derbyshire Healthcare so are independent. They can help you plan for meetings. They will attend
meetings if you wish. Everything you tell them is confidential.
Do you struggle to make decisions about your affairs? You can use an Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy Service (IMCAS). Please ask a member of staff about this.
Find out more about your rights and our services on the Core Care Standards page.