Your family or carers

Do you get support from family or friends? If so, we can tell them where to find help and put them in touch with other carers.

If they give you a lot of support, they could get a carer’s assessment. Your named nurse or care co-ordinator can help with this. Talk to them if you think your family or friends need help.

Confidentiality and your information

We must record details of your medical care. We work hard to protect this personal information.

Data Protection Act 2018
This law means you are allowed to see any personal details we hold about you. To find out more, please speak to one of the ward staff or email our Records Management Team: You can also leave a message for the Records Management team by calling 01332 389131. The team will ask you to complete an application form.

Pastoral and spiritual care

We have a chaplaincy service to support you during your stay. It does not matter what your beliefs are, our chaplain will support you. We can also arrange for members of different communities or faiths to visit you.

Our chaplain can offer:

  • befriending
  • bereavement support
  • support with problems
  • a link with a church
  • prayer and spiritual care.

If you would like to speak to the chaplain, ask a member of staff.