Privacy and dignity

You have the right to receive high quality care which is safe, effective and respects both your privacy and dignity. While in our care you can expect to be:

  • shown respect and treated with dignity
  • treated as an individual and offered personalised services
  • supported to maintain the maximum possible level of independence choice and control
  • listened to and supported in expressing your needs and wants
  • respected in your right to privacy and confidentiality
  • fully involved in planning your care, with family members and carers as care partners
  • assisted to maintain confidence and positive self esteem
  • helped in alleviating loneliness and isolation
  • able to complain without fear of retribution
  • free from any experience of abuse.

Bluebell Ward is a 12 bedded mixed sex ward with single bedrooms, each of which having en-suite facilities.

The ward has a communal lounge and a female only lounge. All bedrooms are single sex. It is important to understand that both male and female nurses, doctors and other staff may come into your bedroom area.

Keep talking to us and notify your Named Nurse or other member of staff if you think we’ve breached any of the above.


Your Safety and Wellbeing

Staff and environment
All staff on the wards are specially trained to take care of you while meeting your individual needs. Each ward has been designed to ensure that you are receiving the right care in the right environment.

Locked Door Policy:
For safety and security, the wards operate a locked door policy. Please approach a member of staff for more details on how entry and exit is managed.

We want to keep you safe during your stay, so you may hear staff and patients talking about observation/engagement levels. These levels apply both on and off the ward and you will be assessed and placed on one of these levels.

There are four levels which are individually care planned to ensure your safety. These levels range from a member of staff being with you at all times, to being regularly checked by a member of the care team.

A nurse or doctor will explain to you what observation/engagement level you are on. If you are unsure why you have been placed on this observation/engagement level please ask a member of staff to explain.

Smoking, alcohol and drugs:
Walton Hospital is a no smoking site. Smoking is prohibited for patients and visitors anywhere on the hospital site, as it is for any NHS site.

We want to help keep you fit and healthy and can support you if you would like to give up smoking. Please ask a member of staff for further information on smoking cessation and nicotine replacement therapy.

Alcohol and non-prescribed drugs are strictly forbidden on the ward. There may be occasions when on returning to the ward that staff may need to search you and your belongings. This is done because we need to reduce the likelihood of substances or
items which could cause harm to you, other patients or staff being brought onto the ward.

Body searches will always be conducted respectfully and by a professional of the same sex.

We make every effort to make sure you are kept safe and well whilst on the ward; this means certain items may have been taken aside and stored appropriately.

You are advised not to keep large amounts of money or valuables with you while you are in hospital. Arrangements can be made to send your money and valuables to the hospital bank for safe keeping.

These will be recorded on a property sheet which we will ask you to sign, or be signed by a witness. A copy of this form will be given to you and the items returned to you on discharge. Any valuables or money not handed in for safe keeping are the responsibility of yourself or your relatives.

The trust will not accept liability for loss of, or damage to, any article retained in your possession. Certain objects may be taken aside to ensure yours and others safety including:

  • all medication (including over the counter and herbal products)
  • scissors, knives, other sharp objects
  • lighters, matches
  • glass, glass bottles
  • illicit drugs and alcohol
  • toxic substances (eg nail polish remover)
  • mobile phone chargers
  • flammable items (eg lighter fluid, aerosols)
  • plastic bags.

Of course, some items will be stored and given to you when required (eg razors, chargers and anything with a cable on). Use of such items may need to be supervised.