Living Well Derbyshire and Derby Wellbeing

Mental Health services that are available in the community to support people with severe mental illness are changing and improving.

Health services, Social Care and the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector are developing new ways of working and modernising Community Mental Health services for adults and older adults, taking into account the particular needs of each local area. In Derbyshire, this is called the Living Well Derbyshire programme. In Derby, it is called the Derby Wellbeing programme.

This section provides information on our community mental health teams (or CMHTs) for adults of working age (aged 18 to 65 years). On this page you will find general information about the work of the CMHTs, links so you can learn more about specific teams across Derbyshire and Derby city, and details about how to give feedback about the care you receive.

Who do the teams support? 

The teams offer support to people with a range of mental health difficulties. Examples of these include psychosis, bi-polar, personality disorder, severe depression and anxiety.

The service is largely for clients of working age (aged 18 to 65 years). However the service will work with people over 65 years of age where it is considered to be the most appropriate for someone whose needs are more closely aligned to adults of working age.

How will my local team work with me?

The teams are committed to providing mental health support based on individual need. After assessing your needs, the team will work with you to help you find both short-term and longer-term ways to improve your mental health, and to focus on healthy living and behaviours. The team may also signpost you to other local community groups, organisations and amenities that may help you – such as by enabling you to meet new people in your community, build your confidence, keep yourself well or gain new skills.  For further information on courses and signposting available in your area please select the relevant team from the list of teams below.

What kind of health professionals will be in the team to support me?

The team is made up of a range of health professionals including nurses, occupational therapists, psychologists, mental health support workers and consultant psychiatrists.

Members of the team run outpatient clinics and therapeutic groups in a variety of places across the locality and, when required, will visit you in your own home. We will make every effort to see you at a time convenient to yourself, your family and carers.

How can the team help me? 

The aim of all the support we provide is to assist you in your recovery – if not to full health, then to the point of enjoying the best possible quality of life.

Because we work in a multi-disciplinary way, the support we provide may involve a range of different approaches. It may include:

  • Medical support
  • Support to change the way you view yourself and how you deal with stressful situations
  • Putting you in touch with other agencies in order for you to get the support you need
  • Short-term work if you have a specific mental health diagnosis which requires short-term support
  • Longer term support including an ‘assertive outreach’ programme; this programme is geared towards people who experience psychosis and have difficulties engaging with healthcare services and/or need a very proactive approach to ensure that the service meets their individual needs
  • Physical Health monitoring as required
  • Support with employment Support (where available)
  • Support to look at your day to day activities and functioning 
  • Psychological approaches.

How will you help me to keep well and manage my condition?

The team recognises how important it is for you to learn as much as possible, to support the way you manage the condition you experience. We respond to the need for “keeping well” education and we work with other parts of the community to jointly produce programmes and educational packages for this purpose. Examples of our joint working could include work with:

  • Residential and nursing homes
  • Day or voluntary services 
  • Independent groups
  • Your GP surgery
  • Social Services

We want to support your recovery journey and wellbeing by offering a range of courses and resources, in order to support you with fulfilling your potential. These courses are linked to your local area. Find out more by clicking on one of the links below, which will take you to information about each community team.

Will you involve my family or carer?

We believe that taking a collaborative approach with you and, where appropriate, your carers, provides for a meaningful care and treatment plan, so wherever possible we will involve people in this process. 

We also believe this helps with social inclusion - that is, enabling people to fully participate in society. We will work alongside your carers, particularly where there may be issues with your capacity to make your own decisions.

Visit our Core Care Standards page to learn more about how we work with carers and families.

Find your local team

Please select your local team below for contact details and information on courses, groups or available support.

Page list

Feedback about our community mental health services

To make a compliment, complaint or a comment about our community mental health services, you can contact our Patient Experience Team:

  • Complete the feedback form on this site
  • Email:
  • Telephone: 01332 623751 or freephone 0800 027 2128
  • Write to: Patient Experience Team, Kingsway House (Room 162), Kingsway Hospital, Kingsway, Derby, DE22 3LZ.

If you have a compliment to make about a team or individual, you may also like to submit a nomination through our staff recognition scheme, the DEED scheme - Delivering Excellence Every Day.

We want to hear from you, so please contact us.