On an annual basis, practices will invite all patients agreed as being eligible for a review of physical and mental health for an Annual Health Check. Invitations should be sent to patients in an easy read format. An invitation example is available; practices should add their practice details to this and add details of the individual patient appointment.

There are also websites available that enable practices to build their own an easy read appointment letter - for example on the Surrey Health Action website

The invitation process should be considered as a potential barrier if the practice has a number of non attenders. Some practices have found that following up the invitation with a telephone call helps. Displaying a poster and/or leaflet about learning disability health checks can also raise awareness.

The practice should send out a pre-health check questionnaire. This will help in collecting the information needed by the clinician and will help identify any areas of concern for the patient. It is also useful if the patient lives with a Care Provider as the patient will not need to rely on the knowledge of the staff member supporting them to the appointment. In Derbyshire many people have hand-held health records called ‘My Health File’ (known as the blue book), this can also be a source of information and it helps to remind people to bring theirs to the appointment.

Templates for letters and pre check questionnaires will be provided by the LD Strategic Health facilitators as part of the training.

Complying with the Accessible Information Standard

As part of the Accessible Information Standard (Law), GP practices must:

  1. Ask patients if they have any information or communication needs, and find out how to meet their needs. For people with learning disabilities, practices may need to ask carers about the patient’s needs.
  2. Record those needs in a set way. See READ Code Document.
  3. Highlight a person’s file, so it is clear that they have information or communication needs, and clearly explain how those needs should be met e.g. easy read/braille/longer time. GP practices need to add a ‘flag’ or ‘alert’ to the electronic patient record. 
  4. Share information about a person’s needs with other NHS and adult social care providers, when they have consent or permission to do so. This means all referrals should state the person’s communication need and how this should be met (as in number 3).
  5. Make sure that people get information in an accessible way and communication support if they need it (as identified in 3).

This should be asked (reviewed) again before each annual health check.

Booking Health checks poster

When making arrangements for the health check the practice should consider if any reasonable adjustments are required in order to have a successful appointment. This could mean including the right carer, completing the health check over a number of appointments or offering a different waiting area. The reasonable adjustment ‘bookmark’ can be printed which offers some reminders of what a reasonable adjustment could be.

Reasonable Adjustments Wheel