This page explains all about Breakout, which is based at Peartree Clinic on Peartree Road in Derby.
There are currently reports of drugs being cut with synthetic opioids, which are powerful and potentially dangerous. Please read the information and advice on the Talk to Frank website.Breakout is the young persons' drug and alcohol service for Derby. If you are under 18 and your drug or alcohol use is worrying you or causing problems, Breakout can help.
The Breakout team provides:
Treatment and support: we can create a support or treatment package based on you and one that fits in with your lifestyle.
One-to-one support.
Detox programs: if you need help coming off a drug or alcohol we can help you to come off it.
Work on coping mechanisms: we can help you to find other ways to cope rather than taking drugs when bad things happen.
We offer a confidential specialist service; this means we will not talk to other people about your support or treatment unless you want us to. In rare cases we may have to but we will always aim to speak to you first. Read our confidentiality agreement below for more information.
Will you have to speak to my parents?
We can offer a service that is confidential, but we encourage all young people to talk to their parents or carers about their involvement with Breakout. We can work with your parents, help explain things from your point of view and help you to rebuild or strengthen your relationship with them.
This doesn’t mean they have to know everything; most parents are just glad that you're getting support and don’t need to know how much and/or how often you take something. We will always ask you if you want your family involved and it’s your decision.
Learn more about the effects of drugs by visiting the NHS website's effects of drugs page. There is also a page about 'drugs and the brain'. The Frank website also gives honest information about different types of drugs and their risks.
If you are struggling with a drug addiction, visit the NHS website's drug addition: getting help page for advice and support.
Learn more about alcohol by viewing the NHS website's alcohol support section.
Do you work in a service that supports young people who are particularly vulnerable to using drugs and alcohol? If so, we can offer:
Basic drug and alcohol training sessions for staff
Targeted group work.
If you are a parent or carer and are concerned about a young person, you can contact us - our details are below. However please remember: if you want a young person to access the service, they must agree to the referral.
Some advice:
Try and talk to the young person in a way that doesn’t turn into an argument. This is often the most difficult part of trying to offer support to the young person. Bear in mind they won’t talk to you if it becomes a shouting match.
In some cases it might be better to get someone who has a good relationship with the young person, perhaps a family friend or relative, to talk to them.
Be prepared:
It may take some time for them to admit they are using drugs or drinking too much alcohol. And remember - they may not want help even if they are using at this moment in time.
Try and read up on the particular substance if you know what they are taking, but be careful; it’s very easy to get confused between the symptoms that someone is displaying and the actual drugs they are using.
The email address is
- Bal - 07917 461205
- Cindy - 07584 385647
- Emma - 07867 286619
- Amy - 07867 286610.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm.
Please note that the Breakout team will not be able to respond to you outside these times. If you are really struggling - for example, with your mental health - please contact the Derbyshire Mental Health Helpline on 0800 028 0077. Learn more about help in a crisis.
Peartree Clinic
Peartree Road
DE23 6QD
Office telephone: 01332 267979.
Breakout is part of the Derby Integrated Family Health Service. The team also works closely with the Derby Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service for people aged 18 and over. More details on the Derby Drug and Alcohol Recovery service can be found on their website.
Breakout Young Persons’ Substance Misuse Service offers a confidential service. This means we do not disclose information to your parents, teachers, the police or others, without your consent. However, information is shared within the team for case management and supervision purposes.
We will need to disclose information in the following cases:
- You or someone you know is suffering or at risk of suffering significant harm, e.g. emotional, physical or sexual abuse
- You or someone you know is suffering from neglect
- You need urgent medical attention, for overdose, serious illness or injury, suicide and self-harming behaviour
- To protect the public from acts of terrorism as defined in the Prevention of Terrorism Act, 1971
- To protect the service providers or third parties in a life-threatening situation
- If you disclose to us information relating to a very serious crime such as rape or murder
- Where the service is ordered to give information as part of legal proceedings.