
  • Childline: A free confidential service that provides support to children and young people in the UK. They offer a 24/7 helpline for any issues (0800 1111), as well as online counselling via email or live chat. 
  • PAPYRUS: Resources and support relating to suicide. Call the PAPYRUS 24/7 Hopeline to speak to trained advisors about keeping yourself safe from suicide and to help you move forward and best support yourself or someone else.
  • Samaritans: Crisis support and support for the prevention of crisis. Available to call any time. Samaritans also provide lots of resources for supporting yourself and others.
  • SHOUT: A free confidential messaging service that operates 24/7. Text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258. 

Resources and Training

  • CAMHS Resources Website: A pool of mental health resources from across the internet.
  • Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM): A charity providing a range of support services, such as their helpline and webchat service from 5pm until midnight, online resources for helping yourself and others, and bereavement support for individuals who have lost loved ones to suicide.
  • Charlie Waller Trust: A children and young people’s mental health charity, providing education and training, resources, and support for children struggling with their mental health. 
  • Derby NeuroHub: Local support spaces for neurodivergent children and young people and their parents/carers.
  • HappyMaps: A website containing a large online directory for wellbeing resources for young people, parents/carers, and professionals. Signposts to resources for general wellbeing, and more specific mental health conditions or difficult situations. 
  • Mind: Provides advice and support for mental health, as well as support services available in your local area. You can ring the Mind helplines to speak to trained advisors about various topics, such as mental health advice, rights, and legal support. 
  • MindEd: Free digital educational resources and training on children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing. Provides free e-learning training for professionals, educators, and parents / carers. 
  • National Autistic Society: A charity dedicated to supporting autistic people in the UK and their families. 
  • Switchboard: Support for members of the LGBTQIA+ community and allies. Switchboard can discuss anything related to gender identity and sexuality. Get support via phone, webchat, or email.
  • The Mix: A charity for emotional support for young people aged 25 and under. Offers confidential support for a wide range of issues that young people might face. Topics include things like exams, relationships, jobs, drugs, sex and more. They offer counselling via phone, webchat or email and online forums where young people can support each other in a safe environment. 
  • Young Minds: Provides a variety of services and resources to support young people and their carers. YoungMinds offer a free 24/7 text messaging service for young people struggling with their mental health, as well as a helpline and webchat service for parents.