This is a higher specialist service responsible for the assessment of neurodevelopmental conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Referrals for an ADHD assessment for children will be considered from the age of five and a half years.

The Specialist Health services include: Paediatricians, Clinical Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy, Specialist ND Nurses and CAMHS, which are provided by three different NHS Trusts: Derbyshire Healthcare Foundation Trust (DCHFT), University Hospitals of Derby and Burton (UHDB) and Derbyshire Community Health Services (DCHS).

Read about the national ADHD medication shortage in our 'understanding your medication' section.  

We continue to receive a high number of referrals for ASD/ADHD assessments and the numbers continue to grow. This leads to extremely long waiting times for the initial referral to be triaged, and then for initial appointment to carry out the assessments.  We know that this is not acceptable.

We continue to work extremely hard to reduce waiting times. This includes through joint working with other professionals, additional recruitment to the Neurodevelopmental Pathway, and a redesign of the service to meet the needs of children and young people and the high demand.

The Neurodevelopmental Pathway team can be contacted on 01332 623726 and then select option 3.

The main phone number for our Children's Services division is 01332 389165.

Will you be able to give an update on my child's referral over the phone?

Our waiting times are longer than we would like them to be. Long waiting times for neurodevelopmental services is, unfortunately, an issue affecting NHS Trusts across the country. 

It is also difficult for us to predict when a young person will be seen. As a result, we cannot give this information to parents/carers. We have been receiving unprecedented levels of referrals for children and young people who are struggling in both school and home environments and these numbers are significantly beyond our current capacity and are leading to long delays within the service. 

Support while you wait

We understand how difficult it must be for parents, carers and young people to wait for such long periods for an appointment. In 'where can I get support?', below, you can find details of groups and organisations that may be able to offer support while you wait. The community support hubs are one such source of support.

You may also find some of the information on our 'waiting well' page useful. 

Please remember that you do not need a diagnosis to access help and support. Please see the list below for what you can do whilst you wait:

Orgnisation What support they offer
ADHD Foundation Sharing first-hand experiences of ADHD, providing skill support and encouragement.
Sibling Support   Practical advice and support for siblings through online chat groups and support workers.
SENDIASS (Derby City)  Impartial information and advice to parents, carers and young people.
SENDIASS (Derbyshire County) Impartial information and advice to parents, carers and young people.
Derbyshire Autism Services Information and support for those with or without a diagnosis and their families.
Kooth    Articles, advice and tips from young people and our team. Live chats - free, safe and anonymous.
Umbrella Support for children and young people aged 5 to 30 with any additional needs and their families.
My Max Card Making days out more financially accessible for foster families and children with additional needs.
ADDitude Magazine articles and support for ADD and ADHD.
Build Sound Minds Early intervention mental health support for young people aged 0 to 17 in Derby and Derbyshire.
Childline Talk to a counsellor online, email us or send a message. Call us free on 0800 1111.
Sleep Council Practical tips and advice on sleep hygiene and all of the latest research.
Qwell Online mental health support service for adults.
Fun-a8ility Services    Short break provision for children and young people aged 3 to 18 with a range of additional needs.
NSPCC National support and advice around children's behaviour and how to keep them safe.
Samaritans 24/7 confidential support. You talk, we listen. Call us free on 116 123.
Hidden Disability Sunflower Share that you or your child have hidden needs and may require help.
Family Fund Providing one off grants for household items and holidays.
Derbyshire SEND Local Offer Directory of services available for young people aged 0 to 25.
ADDISS We provide people-friendly information and resources about ADHD.
Bridge the Gap A mental health organisation that supports the emotional wellbeing of children and parents.
Disability Living Allowance Money for children who may need extra support to access everyday tasks.
Derby City SEND Local Offer Directory of services available for young people aged 0 to 25.
Young Minds  Advice and support for children, young people and their families.