The Physiotherapy service is currently experiencing significant staffing shortages, which have impacted appointment availability for open caseloads as well as assessments for those on the waiting list.  Service transformation and reorganisation efforts are underway to help us meet the needs of all our service users, including those awaiting physiotherapy assessments.

There may also be delays in our service offering routine appointments, and planned appointments may need to be rescheduled or cancelled.  We ask that if you have any physiotherapy queries or concerns about children or young people open to our service, please contact us via email


Who is the service for?

The team supports children and young people who are inhibited by physical difficulties to work towards the best outcomes for participation in daily life.


Does our service see all children and young people who might need therapy?

We are a specialist physiotherapy and occupational therapy service.  Some children's/young person's needs are funded for and better met by other services, such as the Local Authority Occupational Therapy Team or the Outpatient Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Service at the Royal Derby Hospital.

To ensure you access the right service for child or young person please check the information below to see if your needs will be met elsewhere;

Children with global learning difficulties where physical skills are in line with other skills

Movement skills typically develop alongside other skills such as cognitive understanding.  The child's education provider should be able to support parents to identify appropriate goals and activities for global developmental progress. 

You may also access help from:  Children's Intellectual Disability Team | Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Fundation Trust(

Children who are experiencing motor difficulties only related to attention and behavioural problems

Please see your GP, Paediatrician or education provider who may consider a referral to;  Specialist ADHD nursing service | Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (

Joint aches and pains unrelated to long term physical conditions

Please see your GP or Paediatrician who may consider a referral to a different physiotherapy service

Juvenile chronic arthritis

Please see your GP or Paediatrician who may consider a referral to a different physiotherapy service

Chronic fatigue and Long Covid

Please see your GP or Paediatrician who may consider a referral to a different physiotherapy service

Hypermobility (including Ehlers Danlos) syndrome as the main reason for referral

Please see your GP or Paediatrician who may consider a referral to a different physiotherapy service

Medically unexplained illness

Please see your GP

Respiratory conditions

Please see your Paediatrician who may consider a referral to a different physiotherapy service  

Children in need of sensory intervention

See below "Sensory Pathway referrals"

Children in need of mental health assessment

Please see your GP or Paediatrician who may consider a referral to;  Children's Mental Health Services (CAMHS) - Derby and South Derbyshire | Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (

Children and young people in need of only splints, a special car seat or a wheelchair

Please see your GP who may consider referral to; 

Orthotics Services

DerbyDrivAbility - Access Assessments | University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS (

Derbyshire Wheelchair Services

Children and young people requiring adaption to the home

If you're under 18 years old or have a child under 18 years old and there are difficulties in accessing your home or facilities in your home, then your Local Authority Occupational Therapy team may be able to help

Aids and Adaptions - Derbyshire County Council

Aids and Adaptions - Derby City Council



Who is the best person to make a referral onto the pathway?

A referral is essentially a "request for help", and this should be done by whoever has identified that Physiotherapy or Occupational Therapy might be beneficial.  This could be a professional such as a Paediatrician or SENCO.  It might also be a parent or young person (please note any young person under 16 should have an adult with parental responsibility with them when making contact with the service).


SENCO referrals

When making a request for help about a child or young person with potential motor coordination difficulties, please first consider whether they would benefit from the "Active Hands" and/or "Physical Literacy" programmes.  If these have not been applied first when appropriate, the clinician will be unlikely to recommend specialist assessment until these have been completed.

Active Hands are Achieving Hands | Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (

Physical Literacy - YouTube


Sensory pathway referrals

Parents and carers can contact us directly for a link to our online sensory education presentation and associated useful documents.  This must be done by phone.

Please call 0300 123 4586 option 2 then option 5. 


How to request help from the Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Team

If you have identified that Occupational Therapy or Physiotherapy may help a child or young person, who is not better helped elsewhere (see above), then for Occupational Therapy please book a phone call with one of our experienced clinicians to discuss this further by clicking on the appropriate link below. For Physiotherapy, please see updated referral process below.

Occupational Therapy

Please be aware that the Occupational Theraopy Servivce has staffing vacancies and unfortunately has very long waiting lists.  Before proceeding with a request for help, please consider whether this request is necessary or appropriate.  There may be another service that could offer support or address the concerns of the child/young person or their family/carers.

For Occupational Therapy Help; To book a phone call, click link below

DHCFT Children and Young Adults Occupational Therapy Requests (


For Physiotherapy; please see Referral update below, as of 10th February 2025

Community Paediatric and Young Adult Physiotherapy Service Update for Partner Agencies

The service is currently experiencing significant staffing shortages, which have impacted appointment availability for open caseloads aswell as for assessments for those on the waiting list.

Service transformation and reorganisation efforts are underway to help us meet the needs of all our service users, including those awaiting physiotherapy assessments.

During this period we are unable to offer our usual triage service by way of telephone calls.  We ask that requests for Physiotherapy are made via the attached form.  Physiotherapy Referral Form


If you are aware that a Child or Young Person is awaiting Physiotherapy assessment and their needs have become more urgent since being added to the waiting list, or you have significant concerns about their presentation, please liaise with the Physiotherapy service via email ( highlighting the current needs so that we can review this.


There may also be delays in our service offering routine appointments, and planned appointments may need to be rescheduled or cancelled.  We ask that if you have any Physiotherapy queries or concerns about children or young people who are open to our service please also contact us via email (


Thank you for your patience and understanding,

Paediatric and Young Adult Community Physiotherapy Service




What can the parent/guardian do while waiting for an appointment?

When you make a "request for help" and speak to a therapist they may be able to point you to relevant resourses for the child or young person's situation.

Don't forget to check out our  Physiotherapy Facebook page and our "Additional Resources" section of our website.


Responsibilities after a request for help is made

It is the responsibility of the requester to notify the service of any changes to the child or young person's circumstances.  Please contact 111 or 999 if you need urgent medical care.


Contact us

Community Paediatric Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy 

St Pauls House
Enterprise Way
Jubilee Business Park
DE21 4BB

Tel: 0300 123 4586 (Options 2 & 5) 

Team availability: 8.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.