Every therapist is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council. Therapists work within, and abide by, the codes of practice of their professional bodies: the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) and British Association of Occupational Therapists (BAOT).

Every staff member will also work with and abide by Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust's Vision and Values.

We are also often involved in the training of therapy and medical students. All students have undergone full DBS checks.  If you do not wish for a student to be present at your appointment please let us know.

Here, some of the members of the Children's Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy team introduce themselves:

An image of a Trust member of staff called Janet

My name is Janet and I am an Occupational Therapist. I like baking and make cupcakes for my colleagues and friends. I am a member of my local Pantomime Group but you won’t recognise me as I am usually wearing a wig. Sometimes I am the front or back of a cow, or horse! I would like to have a wish a day so I can help people fulfil their dreams.  My proudest moment was when I climbed Kilimanjaro and I did it with a broken arm.

An image of a Trust member of staff called Jackie

Hi I’m Jackie and am so proud to be a kids Physio! I love walking my dog Millie and going to the gym. My favourite food is fruit ( yes honestly fruit!) but I also love a bag of crisps! If I can turn any Physio exercise into sport or a game I’m happy.

An image of a Trust member of staff called Fiona

Hi, my name is Fiona, but people also call me Fi. I am a physiotherapist. When I am at home I love to be with my kids, playing games or reading books. We love Harry Potter and all the Julia Donaldson books! If I wasn’t a physiotherapist I would love to be an author as I love making up stories! We also have a pet cat called Fizz, who is great for snuggles but can be a little bit naughty.

An image of a Trust member of staff called Jacqui

Hi, my name is Jacqui and I am a physiotherapist. I love animals and have three pet ducks and a dog. I also have four children but they are quite grown up now. My favourite meal is steak and chips followed by chocolate mousse. My favourite holiday destination is Menorca.

An image of a Trust member of staff called Lucy

Hi, my name is Lucy and I have worked here for the South Derbyshire team for 4 years. In my spare time I love being active - walking, cycling, swimming and generally being outside! 

Sarah Slaney.jpg

My name is Sarah, I am a Physio Technical Instructor. I went to college at Buxton, Harpur Hill, to study childcare, I then became a nanny in Italy for three years, where I sampled lovely food and learnt to speak Italian.
My favourite meal is sausage and mash or Big Mac and fries. I love gardening and looking after my pet black cat Henry. I work at Stanton Vale Special School, and I really look forward to meeting you and learning new skills together.


My name is Rosie and I am an Occupational Therapist. I have a three year old daughter and we enjoy spending time with our pet dog, Bluebelle and our horses, Florence and Abbie. My favourite TV programme is Shaun the Sheep and I love it so much that we decided to have our own sheep on our field! 


I am Elaine, I really love my job working as a children’s occupational therapist. When I am not at work, I enjoy cooking, reading, and walking. My very favourite thing is horse riding, which I do as often as I can. I love all animals and share my home with some bonkers cats!

Rowena Ralphs staff profile pic.jpg

My name is Rowena but people call me Row and I have been a Technical Instructor for over 25 years. ​​​​​​I have a little Labradoodle called Willow which is usually mistaken for a Cockapoo.  She is as cute as a button but quite a pickle and very clever!  I have 2 sons who are grown-up and almost grown-up.  I love being their mum and really enjoy spending time with them because they're great fun!              I come from Devon and enjoy visiting our boat there spending time on the ocean wave!  I'm a member of a very competative women's cricket team (League Champions!) and play as much as I can.


Hi, I'm James.  I love walking, running or cycling in the countryside and I also like swimming outdoors in lakes and the sea.  I like traveling, reading, meditation, breathwork and utilising both nature and technology to optimise my health.   I have a cold shower every day and when I'm feeling in need of chilling out, I get in a special ice bath in my garden, even in winter!