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We are calling on people living in two areas of Derbyshire to help strengthen the NHS, by standing in the Trust’s upcoming public governor elections.
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A six-monthly update on the situation regarding staffing across the Trust's mental health services
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Agenda and reports being discussed at the Trust Board on 4 February 2020
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Entry form and competition rules for the 2024 writing competition for children and young people, with the theme 'what it's like to be me'
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An easy-read version of the information on our Coronavirus pages about the measures people still need to take in our buildings, as of July 2021
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A six-monthly update on the situation regarding staffing across the Trust's mental health services
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A leaflet for carers produced by Derbyshire Carers Association
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Reports and papers being discussed at our Board of Directors meeting on 7 September 2021
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A leaflet for all Trust service users about advocacy services in Derbyshire and Derby
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Suggestions for professionals discussing medicines and the risk of self-harm or suicide