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Bluebell Ward will provide mental healthcare for 12 older adults and is the first of six facilities to open in the Making Room for Dignity programme, which gives every service user their own en-suite bedroom.
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Clinical Trials Performance Report 2022-23 Q2
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Minutes of CoG meeting January 2019
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Our report for 2021/22, with data extracted as at 31 March 2021
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Our quality report for 2022-23, looking at the quality of care we provide
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A six-monthly update on the situation regarding staffing across the Trust's mental health services
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Agenda and reports being discussed at the Trust Board on 4 February 2020
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Entry form and competition rules for the 2024 writing competition for children and young people, with the theme 'what it's like to be me'
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An easy-read version of the information on our Coronavirus pages about the measures people still need to take in our buildings, as of July 2021
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A six-monthly update on the situation regarding staffing across the Trust's mental health services
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A leaflet for carers produced by Derbyshire Carers Association