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On TV the Christmas holidays look like a time of happy families and great gifts; but for many people the festive season is far from perfect. If you are one of the many people who finds it difficult to cope, we offer some tips on how to manage your mental …
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People recovering from mental health problems will soon benefit from almost half a million pounds of extra support to help them get back into meaningful work, thanks to new NHS funding.
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Derbyshire Mental Health Helpline and Support Service, a free, 24-hour helpline offering support to those with mental health issues in Derbyshire, is one year old in April 2021.
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Friendly tips and advice for people who want to stay in control of their drinking, including specialist support for Derby residents
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An NHS IAPT talking therapies service available to anyone aged 16 or older who is registered with a Derby or Derbyshire GP
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It is hereby declared that elections are to be held in the following constituencies
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Information about the support available to serving personnel and veterans
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Information about our zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery
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Guidance and advice to help dads
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We offer a number of carer groups for anyone providing support to a loved one, neighbour, spouse or friend who has been under the care of our Trust.
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Our equality impact assessment (EIA) toolkit policy and procedure
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Information about how we are learning from serious investigations and mortality reviews
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The different ways to give a compliment about your care. Using accessible English
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A report to our Trust's Board of Directors on how we are learning from deaths within our services
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Our annual report and accounts covering the period from 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019
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Updates from September 2023 about the Living Well programme, which is seeking to transform community mental health services in Derbyshire