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Recovering addict Chris Kershaw gives his thoughts on gambling curbs at sporting events
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Information about the ways we report our performance and details of our improvement plans.
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A range of complex health services for children and young people in Derby and southern Derbyshire including occupational therapy and physiotherapy, ADHD nursing, continence support, a community paediatrician service and a nursing service for children in c…
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Reports and papers being discussed at our Board of Directors meeting on 7 September 2021
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Report being discussed at the Trust Board of Directors meeting
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The agenda and papers for our Trust's Board of Directors meeting taking place on 2 July 2019
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The agenda and papers for the Trust's Board of Directors meeting held on 5 September 2023
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Agenda and reports for our Board of Directors meeting 5 May 2020
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Leaflet version of information about reducing overdose risk with specific medicines.