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A new scheme to improve the way the emergency services can help people who ring 999 when in a mental health crisis is being rolled out over the next six months.
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We are calling on people living in two areas of Derbyshire to help strengthen the NHS, by standing in the Trust’s upcoming public governor elections.
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A launch event today (29 January) showed how NHS England funding will help some of Derbyshire’s most vulnerable adults, children and young people.
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Derbyshire’s mental support health line, introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic to offer support and guidance to residents of all ages, has moved to a new Freephone number to encourage more people to speak up and seek help.
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Derbyshire’s mental support health line, introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic to offer support and guidance to residents of all ages, has moved this week to a 24/7 service.
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Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is asking Derbyshire residents to help strengthen the NHS and stand in the Trust’s upcoming public governor elections
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A Chesterfield-based art group for carers of people with mental health issues has donated paintings to brighten up one of Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust’s bases in the town.
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We are pleased to announce that following Trust members have been elected to the Trust's Council of Governors following the recent elections.
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Details on referring into Derby Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service
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Colleagues, service users, carers and Trust members are invited to put pen to paper and take part in our Trust writing competition, which aims to provide an opportunity for people to share their experience of our services in a creative and supportive way.…
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Report being discussed at the Trust Board of Directors meeting
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The agenda and papers for our Trust's Board of Directors meeting taking place on 2 July 2019
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The agenda and papers for the Trust's Board of Directors meeting held on 5 September 2023
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Agenda and reports for our Board of Directors meeting 5 May 2020
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The agenda and papers for the meeting of the Trust's Board of Directors on 7 November 2023
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Leaflet version of information about reducing overdose risk with specific medicines.