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The Trust is joining the county council, local charities and organisations in supporting World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 September 2018.
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Colleagues, service users, carers and partner groups got together to help Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust mark Time to Talk Day.
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Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has added its name to a charter aimed at helping employees who become terminally ill at work.
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Derbyshire clothing manufacturer David Nieper has supplied much-needed stylish new scrubs to clinical staff at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
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To mark Children’s Mental Health week on (4-10 February), we have partnered with First News, the award-winning national newspaper to encourage children, young people and adults to look after their bodies and minds.
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Our auditor's view of our annual report and accounts for 2020/21
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Our workforce monitoring report for the year 2021/22
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An NHS leaflet offering advice in an easy-read format for people with a learning disability about how to avoid constipation
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Our public sector equality duty report for 2022/23
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A report to our Trust's Board of Directors on how we are learning from deaths within our services
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The agenda and papers for the meeting of the Trust's Board of Directors on 7 November 2023