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Continuing this week’s campaign to raise awareness of what support is available to the Armed Forces community, today we will be looking at what the Trust can offer our reservists and Armed Forces personnel.
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Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is delighted to announce that it has received an overall rating of ‘good’ for the quality of its services, following a comprehensive inspection by regulators at the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
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This is the week of the NHS’s big birthday. On Thursday July 5 2018 it will be exactly 70 years since the National Health Service was founded in 1948.
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Information about joining our bank of temporary workers
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Our workforce monitoring report for the year 2021/22
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Our auditor's view of our annual report and accounts for 2020/21
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An NHS leaflet offering advice in an easy-read format for people with a learning disability about how to avoid constipation
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Our public sector equality duty report for 2022/23
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A report to our Trust's Board of Directors on how we are learning from deaths within our services
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Reports and papers being discussed at our Board of Directors meeting on 7 September 2021