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During her third admission to Derbyshire Healthcare’s Radbourne Unit that Rosie made a life-changing decision - she would use her lived experience to go back to university to retrain as a mental health nurse.
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A new scheme to improve the way the emergency services can help people who ring 999 when in a mental health crisis is being rolled out over the next six months.
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We are calling on people living in two areas of Derbyshire to help strengthen the NHS, by standing in the Trust’s upcoming public governor elections.
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A launch event today (29 January) showed how NHS England funding will help some of Derbyshire’s most vulnerable adults, children and young people.
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Derbyshire’s mental support health line, introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic to offer support and guidance to residents of all ages, has moved to a new Freephone number to encourage more people to speak up and seek help.
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The role of the Trust’s council and how to contact your governor.
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Information on the support and education we provide to junior doctors during their years of clinical training
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Thinking about drinking less? Read our top tips to help you start cutting down on alcohol
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2020 is Florence Nightingale’s bicentennial year, designated by World Health Organisation as the first-ever global Year of the Nurse and Midwife. To celebrate the amazing work of our nurses, we will be featuring a nursing colleague each month.
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Our workforce monitoring report for the year 2021/22
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Our auditor's view of our annual report and accounts for 2020/21
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An NHS leaflet offering advice in an easy-read format for people with a learning disability about how to avoid constipation
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A report to our Trust's Board of Directors on how we are learning from deaths within our services
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Our public sector equality duty report for 2022/23
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Report being discussed at the Trust Board of Directors meeting