Inpatient referrals will be accepted from:

  • Consultant psychiatrists
  • General practitioners (GP)
  • Consultant obstetricians
  • Perinatal Community Mental Health Team
  • Crisis Teams

By contacting either the secretary on 01332 623800 or the ward team on 01332 623828.

Please complete the universal referral form at

Women need to be experiencing one of the following conditions:

  • A puerperal psychosis
  • Severe postnatal depression
  • Severe anxiety disorder
  • Significant disorders of bonding
  • Relapse of existing mental health problems e.g. schizophrenia, major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder

We would not normally accept referrals for women who:

  • Have an infant under the care of the local authority
  • In the absence of mental illness have a primary diagnosis of either personality disorder or drug/alcohol misuse

On admission, a named nurse and nursery nurse will be allocated, who will facilitate an individual treatment plan and support package prior to discharge. The team liaises directly with any midwifery or health visiting services involved. In addition to this there is a link midwife and health visitor attached to the unit.

Unfortunately facilities do not exist to manage older children, but an open visiting policy is encouraged.

Referrals to the community team will be accepted from:

  • Consultant psychiatrists
  • General practitioners (GP)
  • Consultant obstetricians and Gynaecologists
  • Community Mental Health or Crisis Teams
  • Midwives
  • Health visitors

By contacting the Perinatal Community Mental Health Team using the details below:

South Derbyshire: Telephone 01332 623911 or email to

North Derbyshire: Telephone 01246 216523 or email to

If you wish to make a referral please complete this referral form. Where possible this should be discussed with the woman prior to referral. Midwives will have a standard referral template to be used when screening for mental health problems at the booking appointment. Referrals will be reviewed by the multi-disciplinary team and prioritised accordingly. We aim to see urgent referrals within one week of referral and routine within five weeks. We do operate a waiting list. Referrers will be advised of the outcome in writing. Weekly referral meetings are held every Tuesday in South Derbyshire and every Wednesday in North Derbyshire.

Referrals will be accepted:



Those with existing serious mental illness, usually schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, severe depressive disorder, who require advice about treatments and the risks associated with pregnancy. These women would normally be already under the care of a Community Mental Health Team.

  • Women with serious mental illness, i.e. bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, severe depression/anxiety disorders
  • Women who have developed significant mental health difficulties that cannot be managed in primary care
  • Women at risk of developing serious mental illness following delivery, e.g. those with a history of bipolar disorder or serious postnatal illness in first degree relatives
  • Women with previous history of puerperal psychosis, severe postnatal depression, severe anxiety disorders including OCD
  • Women who have been admitted to a psychiatric unit or treated by psychiatric services in the first year following the birth of a child

Mental health problems either arising for the first time or relapse of existing mental health difficulties. In addition women with significant disorders of bonding or attachment may be seen. Women who are already under the care of mental health services will require a CPA review prior to transfer of care.

We would not normally accept referrals for women who:

  • are being successfully treated in primary care
  • whose infant is older than six months
Advice Line

GPs, midwives, health visitors and other professionals who are supporting women with mental health problems in the perinatal period (before or after birth) can  call 0300 1237596 and get advice on perinatal care pathways (referral and management of conditions), therapies available, medication and other services that may be suitable. The advisors will also help any health professional who is considering a referral and wishes to discuss this further. . It is available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9.30am to 12 noon.

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