What is Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that affects about one in every 100 people and
often starts in young adulthood. There are a number of symptoms that people may
experience; these are grouped into positive and negative symptoms.

Positive symptoms

• Hallucinations: Hearing or seeing things that are not there
• Delusions: Believing things that are not true. Other people may find it strange and
can’t work out why you believe it
• Feeling controlled:As if your thoughts aren’t your own
• Difficulty thinking/extreme confusion.

Negative symptoms

• Loss of interest, energy and feelings
• Not wanting to leave the house or be around other people
• Not being able to do your normal daily activities.

Sometimes people have experiences such as hearing voices but manage to tolerate them. However, if they are upsetting and start to impact on your life it is important to seek help as soon as possible.

What causes Schizophrenia?

Despite lots of research, it is not yet clear what causes schizophrenia, but a number of
factors have been related to its onset:

• Genetics: Schizophrenia can run in families
• Physical differences or damage in some parts of the brain
• Street drugs can act as a trigger to schizophrenia
• It may also be triggered/made worse by experiencing stressful or traumatic life events.

How Schizophrenia might affect you

Seeing things that aren’t there
Hearing voices when
people are not there
Not doing much
Staying in bed
Avoiding going out
Poor personal hygiene

Sadness or low mood
Feeling numb
Feeling threatened

Waking up early
Hard to concentrate
Loss of energy

Isolating yourself
Avoiding people
Get into arguments

“Believing other
people can hear my thoughts”
“I’m going mad”
Lack of concentration
Muddled thoughts

Suspicious of people
Beliefs that others
consider to be strange
“I’m being controlled”
“I am a failure”

How is Schizophrenia treated?

• Schizophrenia usually responds very well to medication called antipsychotics. They
help to control your symptoms but as yet there is no cure
• It is essential that you take your medication regularly as prescribed by your doctor,
even if you feel you are better
• If you suddenly stop taking your medication without a doctor’s advice, it is likely that
you will have a relapse of your symptoms
• People who seek treatment early are more likely to have a better recovery and less
likely to need hospital treatment.

Other strategies that can be used in addition totaking medication include:

• Psychological therapies to help you cope with your experiences
• Psycho-education: Learning more about the condition
• Learning to recognise early signs that you may be becoming unwell, so you can get
help faster.

Schizophrenia and having a baby

Having a baby can be a vulnerable time for people with schizophrenia as there is a risk of
relapse during and after pregnancy. Some symptoms may make it difficult for you to care
for a new baby so you may need some extra advice and support.

You should meet with your doctor while planning a pregnancy, so that you are fully
informed of the risks and a thorough care plan can be put in place.

It is essential that you do not make any changes to your medication or treatment plan
without speaking to a doctor or psychiatrist first.

Your doctor will discuss with you what medication regime will be safest for you and your
unborn baby whilst you are pregnant. Protecting yourself from a relapse is of the highest
importance for both you and your baby. You should meet with your doctor regularly so
they can monitor you for early signs of relapse.

If you start to experience any symptoms report them to a professional as soon as possible
so you can receive treatment and reduce any impact on you and your baby.

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommend that women
with schizophrenia should have specialist care from a psychiatrist and if possible a perinatal
mental health service during and after pregnancy.

It may not be possible to breastfeed while taking some medications, you will need to
discuss this with your doctor.