Jill Ryalls

Jill Ryalls

Public Governor - Chesterfield

Email: dhcft.governors@nhs.net

Term of office: 1 February 2025 - 31 January 2028

Governor's Personal Statement

Jill has recently retired from her role as Head of Adult Safeguarding in Derbyshire. During her 43 year career in social care she managed community services and worked with local health communities to develop services that meet the needs of local people including the shaping of mental health services. Jill is passionate about improving mental health services and has worked with partners to try and ensure that the needs of local people are met. Jill has been a carer for the last 18 years and has lived experience of acute mental illness from a carers point of view.

Dave Allen

Dave Allen

Public Governor - Chesterfield

Email: dhcft.governors@nhs.net

Term of office: 1 February 2024 - 31 January 2027

Governor's Personal Statement

Dave worked at Chesterfield Royal Hospital as a Biomedical Scientist for over 40 years and in addition is an elected Councillor on Derbyshire County Council. He appreciates that the responsibilities of the Trust are extensive and cover many of the services that the general population may need. Over the years he has been involved with individuals and families that need mental health and general support. Dave has also actively supported voluntary and statuary organisations within the county in their work. He is aware that the pressures of both the pandemic and current economic situation have affected the mental health people of all ages. Dave believes that the recent development of Joined Up Care Derbyshire is a good basis to try to achieve a more seamless service with joint working with NHS Trusts, adult care and voluntary sector organisations. Dave is looking forward to being more involved in Joined Up Care Derbyshire and holding the Non-Executive Directors to account to help in the development of services.