•    Universal Services for Carers in Derby (www.derbycarers.co.uk) provides free support, guidance and advice to Carers and is delivered by Citizens Advice Mid Mercia.

Universal Services can provide an initial “Carers Conversation” on behalf of Derby City Council which is the first step in the City Council undertaking a Carers Assessment for you. This involves Adult Social Care reviewing your caring needs and can result in additional support and / or the allocation of a personal budget where necessary.

Universal Services also provides a mix of monthly activities and events for Carers, advice, newsletters, peer support groups and Carer training.  Telephone: 01332 228 777 or e-mail: carers@citizensadvicemidmercia.org.uk or carers-events@citizensadvicemidmercia.org.uk

•    If you care for someone with dementia you can find help and support by contacting Making Space in Derby City. Making Space offer lots of different groups and activities for the person affected by dementia and their Carers.  You can contact this service on 01332 497 640, or email derbycity.dementia-services@makingspace.co.uk.  You can also get advice and support by contacting the Alzheimer’s Society National Dementia Helpline on 0300 222 11 22.  This confidential helpline is for Carers, those with dementia, and the friends and families of people with dementia.

•    Becoming a Carer can have a fundamental impact on your finances and the finances of the wider family unit.  As a Carer you may be entitled to welfare benefits such as Carers Credit or a Carers Allowance. Whilst information can be found at www.gov.uk/carers-credit and www.gov.uk/carers-allowance, Universal Services for Carers can also refer you to Citizens Advice Mid Mercia for free advice and guidance on what can sometimes be a daunting and complex process.  Citizens Advice Mid Mercia can also be contacted on 0808 278 7972 or at www.citizensadvicemidmercia.org.uk 

Derby City Council also offer welfare advice and support.  You can telephone them on 01332 643 394 or email derby.advice@derbyhomes.org.  They are committed to supporting people living in Derby City communities with issues relating to welfare benefits.

•    As mentioned above, Derby City Council are responsible for carrying out Carers Assessments in Derby and they also have general information and support available at www.derby.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/your-life-your-choice/information-for-carers/.  Direct contact about obtaining a Carers Assessment can also be made by contacting Derby Direct on 01332 640 777.

•    Advocacy – sometimes it can be difficult and feel exhausting when we believe we are not being listened to and when we feel that what’s important to us isn’t being taken seriously by others.  When that happens, an independent advocate can be useful to provide support when decisions are being made that we might not agree with and that impact our health (or the health of the person we care for).  In Derby, advocacy is provided by One Advocacy part of Citizens Advice Mid Mercia. You can visit their website www.citizensadvicemidmercia.org.uk/advocacy/ or telephone 01332 228 748 or e-mail referrals@oneadvocacyderby.org 

•    Safeguarding means protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.  People and organisations in Derbyshire and Derby City work together to prevent the risks and experience of abuse or neglect, while at the same time making sure that wellbeing is promoted. Some adults may not be able to take care of themselves very well or protect themselves from abuse or exploitation.  If you’re worried about yourself or someone else being abused or neglected, please contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub on 01332 642 855.  You can also visit the website for more information at www.derby.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/safeguarding-adults-at-risk/safeguarding-vulnerable-adults 

•    Carers UK is a national charity whose mission is to support and make life better for Carers. There is a wealth of information and advice available online.  Telephone 0808 808 7777, email advice@carersuk.org or go to www.carersuk.org

•    There are more services and support available for Carers:
o    Derby City and South Derbyshire Mental Health Carer’s Forum – generally meets on the third Friday of every month between 11.30am and 2pm at The Oddfellows Hall, 32 Charnwood Street, Derby, DE1 2GU. Contact Sandra on 07779 107 087 or email dcandsderbysmhcf@gmail.com for more information.

o    Call the Carers Direct helpline (part of Carers UK) on 0300 123 1053 if you need help with your caring role.  They provide free, confidential information and guidance on a number of topics and Carers can also email queries to helpline advisers.

o    Age UK have a free advice line 0800 678 1602 they can provide advice on anything from health to housing.  The advice line is open 365 days a year from 8am to 7pm.

o    Young Minds Parents Helpline 0808 802 5544 can provide advice, emotional support and signposting about a child or young person up to the age of 25.  

o    Sidekick is a confidential helpline for young Carers aged 13-18 in the UK  https://sidekick.actionforchildren.org.uk/, text 07888 868059. You can also email sidekick@actionforchildren.org.uk. You can speak to someone about anything you’d like and it will be confidential and there will never be any judgement. 

o    NHS Social Care and Support Guide – you can follow this link for information about social care support if you care for someone who needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/help-from-social-services-and-charities/helplines-and-forums