Derby City and South Derbyshire Mental Health Carer's Forum meets on the 3rd Friday of every month at The Oddfellows, Oddfellows Hall, 32 Charnwood Street, Derby DE1 2GU from 1.30am to 2pm.

For details email:

The forum is a self-help group of people who care for, or who have cared, for a relative, friend or neighbour suffering from any form of mental illness.

It meets monthly to offer mutual support, advice, conversation and understanding in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere with free refreshments, free events, free buffet and free membership.

For more information contact the forum on the email address above or contact the Vice Chair Sandra Austin at

Alternatively, go along to the next meeting and you will be made very welcome.

Members are welcomed from the following areas:

  • Derby City
  • Erewash
  • Amber Valley
  • South Derbyshire

Make new friends, relax, meet other carers, access professionals, listen to guest speakers or just let off steam!