From April 2024, Derbyshire Carers Association will be introducing the Derbyshire All Age Carers Support Service on behalf of
Derbyshire County Council and the Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board.
The new all-age Carers service has been designed to deliver the Derbyshire Carers Strategy by ensuring Young Carers, Young Adult Carers and Adult Carers have access to preventative, timely, appropriate and person-centred support.
Features of the new Derbyshire All Age Carers Service include:

Information and Advice
Carers can access information and advice in a variety of methods that is accessible and appropriate for their needs. This includes our Carer Helpline, online resources and learning programmes.
Carers will be well informed throughout their caring journey about the support available to them in their role, their rights and how to support their individual wellbeing.
Learning sessions will include 'new to caring' and 'planning for the future' workshops.

Recognising and Supporting Carers in the Wider Community
We will develop quality partnerships across all communities to proactively identify, connect and support carers, and ensure the service supports a diversity of communities.
Our network of Carer Champions from across all sectors and communities will receive ongoing support and resources to identify and connect Carers from hidden and diverse communities.

Involving Carers as Experts
All age Carers will be involved in the design and evaluation of the service through our Carers Voice project. We will consult with Carers on issues which are important to them and share our findings and recommendations with partners.

Services and Systems That Work for Carers
Locality teams will support Carers to navigate and connect with services for themselves and the person who they care for. Through affiliation with Carefree and the Carers Trust, we will help Carers access resources and a break from caring. The Derbyshire County Council Carer Liaison Worker will be integrated within our team to ensure a cohesive,
consistent, whole family practice between Adult Social Care, Children's Services, and the Carer service.

Carer Employment and Financial Wellbeing
Our Carers in Employment programme will support workplaces and promote best practice in relation to their own workforce who are carers. We will introduce employer training and quality awards. We will host monthly legal and financial clinics and explore ways to promote income maximisation for all Carers.


Through local, regional and national networking and our established partnership with the University of Derby, we will continually explore best practice and how this can be integrated within services in Derbyshire. We will source additional income for new areas of work that will be co-produced with Carers.

Derbyshire Young Carers - for Children and Young People aged 5-16

Reducing inappropriate caring pressures that may have an impact on a child or young person's development.

  • One-to-one sessions with a Young Carers Support Worker
  • Young Carer Assessment and Support Planning
  • Family support sessions
  • Support within school
  • Age appropriate groups, workshops and family activities
  • Helpline available Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

Derbyshire Young Adult Carers - for Young People aged 16-25

Support young people as they transition into adulthood and independence while continuing to provide unpaid care.

  • One-to-one sessions with a Young Adult Carer Support Worker
  • Carer Assessments and Support Planning
  • Group learning sessions and activities
  • Support with transition into higher education or employment
  • Helpline available Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

Derbyshire Adult Carers - for Adults aged 25 and over

To improve quality of life for carers in Derbyshire through early identification and recognition of Carers and joined up personalised support for both the Carer and the cared-for person.

  • Information, advice and guidance
  • Carers Assessments and Support planning
  • Carer personal budgets
  • Emergency planning
  • Carer wellbeing activities
  • Learning programme across the Carer pathway
  • Transitional support for Parent Carers
  • Monthly e-bulletins
  • Digital support, interactive website and social media updates
  • Helpline available Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

Information and updates -

To make a referral to the Derbyshire All Age Carers Support Service -

Carer Helpline - Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm - 01773 833833