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Public Board of Directors meeting
Our Board of Directors meets in public on a regular basis. Anyone can attend and observe a meeting.
View our Board papers from upcoming and previous meetings by visiting our Board Meetings page. For more information about our Board of Directors, visit the 'our Board of Directors' page.
Questions will be considered by the Trust Chair if they are sent by email to the Board Secretary up to 48 hours before the meeting. If the Chair believes the question is relevant to an item on the meeting's agenda, a response will be provided by the Board at the meeting. Email your question to our Board Secretariat.
Public Board of Directors meeting
Our Board of Directors meets in public on a regular basis. Anyone can attend and observe a meeting.
View our Board papers from upcoming and previous meetings by visiting our Board Meetings page. For more information about our Board of Directors, visit the 'our Board of Directors' page.
Questions will be considered by the Trust Chair if they are sent by email to the Board Secretary up to 48 hours before the meeting. If the Chair believes the question is relevant to an item on the meeting's agenda, a response will be provided by the Board at the meeting. Email your question to our Board Secretariat.
Council of Governors meeting
The Council of Governors meeting is open to Trust members and the public to observe.