A welcome from the Chief Executive, Mark Powell  


Welcome to the Radbourne Unit. We are committed to keeping you safe and making a positive difference to your health and wellbeing. Our team are looking forward to providing you with quality care during your stay, and they will work with you to make sure you get well and can return home as quickly as possible.  

We hope this guide will give you much of the information you will need during your stay. It explains about the facilities we have on offer and the different ways we will try to meet your needs.  

If there is anything you are unsure of, or want to learn more about, please ask someone – we are happy to help. 

Early on in your time here, we will ask you whether we can involve your family and friends, to help us provide the best possible care. We would like your family and friends to work closely with us to help us understand where you are on your journey to recovery.   

It is also important that you and your loved ones understand your treatment plan and why you are in hospital. Please tell us about the goals you want to achieve, so our care reflects those goals.  

To make sure the care you receive is of the highest standard, we will ask for your views on how well we are doing through questionnaires and surveys during your stay on the ward.  

As well as this, we welcome your feedback and comments, good or bad. Please tell us about your experience so we can learn and improve. You can do this directly through our ward staff or through our Patient Experience team by calling 0800 027 2128 or emailing dhcft.patientexperience@nhs.net  

Mark Powell 

Chief Executive 

Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust