Staff in the care process 


Your Named Nurse  

When admitted to the ward, you should have been given a Named Nurse. They are responsible for:  

  • Co-ordinating your care while you’re on the ward  
  • Discussing your care plans with you  
  • Having regular face to face chats with you, to build up a good relationship
  • Ensuring the nursing team is aware of any specific needs you have.  

If your Named Nurse is not on duty you can speak to any other member of staff. If you want to change your Named Nurse you can ask for a different one – they won’t mind. If you’re not sure who your Named Nurse is there is a board displaying this information. 

Your consultant and other Doctors  

You will have a named Consultant in charge of your medical care, but they will have other Doctors to help them, so you may not see your Consultant every time. They will see you regularly and will talk to you about the support and treatment you need. If you don’t know who your Consultant is, please ask a member of the nursing staff. 

Other professionals who may be involved in your care  

  • Psychologist  
  • Occupational Therapists 
  • Recreational workers  
  • Housing support officers 
  • Physiotherapist  
  • Social workers  
  • Community teams/ workers