We make every effort to make sure you are kept safe and well whilst on the ward; this means when you arrived some objects may have been removed from you.
On admission you should have been advised by staff not to keep large amounts of money or valuables with you during your stay. Arrangements can be made for us to look after money and valuables for safe keeping.
These will be recorded on a property sheet, a copy of which will be given to you. You will be given a money receipt for any money. Any items or money not booked in are the sole responsibility of yourself or your relatives.
Certain objects may be removed from you to ensure your safety and that of others, including:
- all medication (including over-the-counter and herbal products)
- scissors, knives, other sharp objects
- lighters, matches
- glass, glass bottles
- illicit drugs and alcohol
- toxic substances (eg nail polish remover)
- mobile phone chargers
- flammable items (eg lighter fluid, aerosols)
- plastic bags.
Of course, some items will be stored and given to you when required (eg razors). Use of such items may need to be supervised.
During your stay, you may hear staff and patients talking about observation/engagement levels. These levels apply both on and off the ward and you will be assessed and placed on one of these levels. There are four levels which are individually care planned to ensure your safety. If you are unsure why you have been placed on the observation/engagement level you are on, please ask a member of staff to explain.
Sometimes you or others may become distressed so we will give more intensive support in those circumstances; this may include de-escalation or seclusion.
Smoking, alcohol and drugs
Here at Derbyshire Healthcare, we aim to provide the highest quality healthcare services in the safest environments possible.
Part of this commitment is to provide clean and healthy facilities and open spaces for all. That’s why smoking and the use of e-cigarettes (e-burners) are not allowed anywhere on Trust premises – including wards, grounds, doorways and car parks.
This applies to people who receive our services, our staff and visitors.
A full package of support will also be available to anyone admitted onto one of the Trust’s mental health inpatient wards. This will include a range of nicotine replacement therapies (NRT), such as patches, gum, lozenges and inhalators, to help them cope with their cravings.
For more information, please speak to a member of staff.
Alcohol and non-prescribed drugs are strictly forbidden on the ward.
Emergency responses
On occasion there are clinical emergencies that ward staff have to manage.
These include fire, medical emergencies, behavioural disturbances, self harm, medical emergencies and building maintenance.
Ward staff are trained to deal with these circumstances as appropriate to the situation, and whilst these remain extreme and emergency situations, their responses and actions may seem unusual. Some responses such as cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, physical restraint and first aid might look distressing, but these are the tried-and-tested systems in place to manage safely the situations they correspond to.
It is important to note that these are unusual situations and witnessing or experiencing them can be traumatic for all.
You are entitled to ask questions about and seek answers for any experience you have had on our wards. Sometimes this takes the form of a conversation called a “debrief” to look specifically at support and review the circumstances leading to and during the event in order best to manage the situation next time if it occurs. Staff also take part in debriefs to analyse and reflect on their own experiences.
Unacceptable behaviour
The Trust has adopted the national NHS zero tolerance policy and encourages the reporting of any form of harassment, verbal or physical abuse including any unacceptable behaviour by patients, visitors and staff.
In extreme circumstances the Trust will pursue prosecution proceedings against any individual concerned.