Staff on the unit aim to provide high quality care for all your needs. Your named nurse and OT will spend regular one-to-one time with you to plan your care.

During your rehabilitation and recovery you will have individualised structured daily plans – supported directly by occupational therapists and nurses. You will be expected to participate in planning your care and activities; this may include escorted community visits for assessment purposes.

Reviews by the consultant psychiatrist

Your doctor will direct and oversee your care during your admission. The clinical team will review your progress. On a regular basis, there will be a formal meeting to review your care with the multi-disciplinary team. Your attendance will be required at these meetings.

If you are worried about the review meeting, please feel free to talk to your named nurse who will make the appropriate arrangements to support you. Your  relatives/carers are welcome to attend these meetings with your consent. They will need to book an appointment with the nursing staff.

Care Programme Approach (CPA)

Throughout your stay in hospital, your care will be structured within the Care Programme Approach (CPA). This is the system within which staff will deliver mental health services to ensure that your care is well coordinated both in hospital and whilst at home.

The CPA focuses on five main areas: assessment, care planning, review, care co-ordination and service user and carer involvement. Derbyshire Healthcare has set additional standards to ensure the best possible quality of care is maintained; these are called our Core Care Standards.

You can find out more about this at Your named nurse will be happy to explain this in more detail and answer any questions you may have.

Mental Health Act

If you are detained under a section of the Mental Health Act, your named nurse will provide you with an information leaflet that helps to explain your rights and the process of appeal. They will assist you with any concerns you may have.

This leaflet is also available for nearest relatives as it also explains their rights under Mental Health Act law.

An independent advocacy service is available if you would like to talk to someone who is not involved in your care, but who can advise you on your rights. Please see page 17 for more details. We would encourage you to use this service if you are concerned about any aspect of your care.

Confidentiality and use of patient information

Details of your medical care will be recorded but at all times we aim to protect your personal information. Great care is taken to ensure high standards of confidentiality are maintained with all information held.

The ‘Data Protection Act 1998’ gives you the right of access to any personal information which the Trust holds about you. If you wish to apply for access to your information, or if you would like more information about your rights under the Act you should, in the first instance, contact our Records team.