During your stay with us we want you to feel at ease with your surroundings and as comfortable as possible. We hope the facilities and support provided on the ward will help you to relax and aid your recovery.

Mobile phones

You are welcome to bring your own mobile phone. You are responsible for its safe storage and responsible use. On occasion we may ask to store your mobile phone and charger securely in individual boxes in the office. If this is the case, we will explain why we are doing this.

The Trust has a policy on the use and storage of mobile phones. This policy states that service users will need to be able to agree to the following:

  • Respect other service receivers’ needs for quiet. Keep their phone on silent/vibrate setting unless agreed otherwise with the ward staff
  • Takes steps to keep the mobile phone safe and secure at all times
  • Avoid lending the phone to other service users
  • Avoid use in non-designated areas such as dormitories, lounges
  • Never use the photography, videoing or recording facility on Trust property
  • Never download inappropriate/illegal images.

The full policy on the use of mobiles phones is available from staff if you would like to read more about this.

A mobile phone is also available for you to take into your room if you want to receive a personal and/or private call. Please make sure that you return this phone to the nursing office so that other residents can use it if required.

What to bring on your admission

There are a few items you may need while you are staying with us. For example:

  • Toiletries
  • Changes of clothing/footwear for day and night time and outdoors
  • Books, writing paper, magazines etc.
  • Postage stamps
  • Washing powder
  • You may also bring your own electrical devices e.g. TV. However please enquire first as some items may not be permitted.

All electrical equipment will need to be tested by a Trust approved electrician before use. Please hand sharp objects such as razors and all medication, including herbal remedies, to staff for safe storage. 

Money and valuables

If upon admission you have money or valuables with you, such as passports, driving licence etc, you may store them securely in the Patients’ Bank, located at the Ashbourne Centre on the Kingsway Hospital Site. This is the only way that we can ensure security of your property.

If you want to use this service please hand items to the nurse in charge. You will be provided with a receipt detailing the items you have handed in. 

Access to money

If you have difficulty getting to your bank, you can transfer money from your bank or pay money in person to the Patients’ Bank. You will be assisted by a member of staff to do this if you feel this is necessary. You can also have your benefits paid into the Patients’ Bank. Please ask a member of staff to help you complete the appropriate paperwork. This process may take several weeks.

The Patients’ Bank is open Monday to Friday at the following times:

  • Monday 9.30am - 11.30am and 2.30pm - 4pm
  • Tuesday 9.30am - 11.30am and 2.30pm - 4pm
  • Wednesday - closed
  • Thursday 9.30am - 11.30am and 2.30pm - 4pm
  • Friday 9.30am - 11.30am and 2.30pm -3.30pm.

This can be subject to change, and you will be informed of any changes that may occur.

Housekeeping and shopping

As part of your recovery process, where necessary we will help support you budget your money and purchase your food. You will be encouraged to shop for your own food at a nearby supermarket.

We understand that this can be difficult for some, and will work with you to increase your confidence in doing so. We will also support you to prepare and plan healthy balanced meals. Healthy eating and lifestyle groups are available if you want more help with this.

On your arrival there will be a selection of food items that you can choose from until you are able to get to the supermarket. Please speak to the staff about this.

Housekeeping money is provided and should only be used to buy items to provide a balanced lunch and dinner. This can be subject to change.


Laundry facilities are available. You are expected to do your own laundry as part of your rehabilitation programme. You are required to provide your own wash powder.

Food and drink

While you are on the ward we want to make sure you get the correct food and drink to meet your needs, as this will help to keep you well. We suggest a healthy cooked meal and snack meal each day.

For example:
Lunch: hot meal provided by the kitchen
Dinner: sandwich, soup, something on toast, jacket potato and/or salad
Dessert: healthy option e.g. yoghurt, fruit, rice pudding.

Items that should not be purchased using your housekeeping money include: cakes, biscuits, ice cream/lollies, fizzy drinks, crisps, pot noodles, take-away meals, ready-made sandwiches, sweets/chocolate and high fat desserts such as trifle etc. You can, of course, purchase any of these items out of your own money.

Items we provide which you do not need to purchase from your housekeeping money are cereal, bread, milk (one pint per day), tea, coffee and sugar. Of course, if you like a particular brand of bread, cereal etc you can purchase these.

  • Always remember to request a receipt and hand in your receipt and any change to a member of staff when you return from shopping.
  • A shopping trolley or bags are available from the nursing office for your use. Plastic carrier bag costs will not be reimbursed. All plastic carrier bags MUST be handed into staff.

Takeaways and energy drinks

Takeaways are discouraged on the units, however if you would like to purchase a takeaway please do not exceed more than one a week (at the weekend only), as part of promoting a healthier diet and managing on a budget.

Energy drinks are also discouraged as they have an impact on the effectiveness of your medication and your sleep pattern.