Rehabilitation and Recovery
Here at Rehabilitation and Recovery we understand that living with a mental health condition can have a profound impact on people’s lives, often leaving people to feel like they are struggling to cope with life and unable to make the most of it.
However, we also know that having a mental illness does not mean the end of people having and living a full and meaningful life.
At Cherry Tree Close and Audrey House we can offer you a wide range of activities that can help to promote your recovery, opportunities for you, your family and/or carer to develop the support and skills to help you realise your potential and achieve your goals.
Whilst with our services we want to give you the best care possible and make sure your individual needs are met. As well as this, we need to keep you safe and ensure your stay is pleasant and productive.
We want you to:
- be involved in decisions about your care and treatment
- have an assessment of what your needs are
- have a Care Co-ordinator to help pull everything together
- have a written care plan explaining what is happening
- be involved in regular reviews to check that everything is going ok
- have support for your carers/family if they need it
- be followed up if you go on leave, and after you leave hospital, to make sure you’re ok
- have copies of letters written about your care, if you’d like them.
Both Rehabilitation Units provide an inpatient service that offers a homely, welcoming and peaceful environment, 24 hours a day. We have 23 residents who are learning to cope with a severe and or enduring mental illness at Cherry Tree Close, and 10 residents at Audrey House.
At Cherry Tree, accommodation is divided between five bungalows offering all modern facilities. Each bungalow has residents of the same gender only (either all-male or all-female bungalows). A member of staff will show you around your bungalow and familiarise you with the environment.
Our aim
Our services strive to deliver a wide and varied range of treatments and care with a primary focus on rehabilitation, social inclusion and recovery.
We aim to provide a service which promotes recovery that will help service users feel that, with support, they can work out coping strategies to deal with their difficulties and to gain a sense of control over their lives.
Rehabilitation is achieved with the on-going input from Occupational Therapy staff who adopt a holistic and problem-solving approach to your recovery. This involves using activities as a therapy to help you. The aim of the interventions is for the individual to gain the ability to develop to the highest level of independence, thereby enhancing the quality of their life.