Cherry Tree Close, Kingsway Hospital

Cherry Tree Close - Kingsway Site.JPGCherry Tree Close is a mental health rehabilitation and recovery unit, providing assessment, care and treatment to 23 service users. The accommodation, in an open, relaxed, tree-lined environment, comprises of five single sex, self-contained bungalows for either four or five service users. An administration office is located in the centre of the Close.

The multi-disciplinary team provide high quality, person-centred, evidence based care using a recovery model. We support and encourage people to explore the concept of recovery and hope, to find meaning within their ‘illness’, and to live well in spite of symptoms. Our approach is highly focussed and readily available, allowing us to respond quickly and effectively to the diverse needs of each service user referred to us.

Criteria for admission

  • The person is aged 18 and above
  • The person has been diagnosed with a severe and enduring mental illness with ongoing symptoms
  • As a result of mental illness, the person has a moderate to severe functional impairment that interfered with or limits role performance relative to the person’s ethnic/ cultural identity in at least one of the following domains: education, social, vocational, self maintenance
  • The person has a history of relapse and repeated admissions to acute psychiatric care
  • The person’s rehabilitation/recovery needs cannot be reasonably met as an outpatient in the community setting or at a lower level of care
  • The person has the cognitive and emotional capacity to manage for periods of time without continued directive supervision or observation in an open homely environment without putting themselves or others at immediate risk
  • The person chooses to participate in a rehabilitation recovery program and chooses to live at CTC (this includes persons detained under the Mental Health Act)
  • The person is expected to make sufficient recovery within 24-36 months to be cared for within existing community resources
  • The supportive and therapeutic services offered at Cherry Tree Close may reasonably be expected to prevent the need for a more intensive level of support or supervision in the future
  • The person must have an identified care coordinator. 


Severe and enduring mental illness:

  •     Schizophrenia
  •     Schizoaffective Disorder
  •     Delusional Disorder
  •     Bipolar Affective Disorder
  •     Generalised Anxiety Disorder
  •     Recurrent Depressive Disorder.

This is not an exhaustive list. It is very much dependent on the inclusion criteria.

More information

Click on one of the links below to learn more about the care provided at Cherry Tree Close.


Address:  Cherry Tree Close
                 Kingsway Hospital
                 DE22 3LZ

Access to Kingsway Hospital via the Kings Highway roundabout

Tel: 01332 623714