This page outlines Derbyshire Healthcare's Trust Strategy for 2024 – 2028.
It is important that the Trust Strategy tackles current challenges, whilst also being flexible in adapting to a changing social and political environment over the coming years. We have many examples of excellent practice, innovations and making improvements to the ways we work. This Strategy aims to build on and extend our previous successes and seizes an opportunity to transform our services and the way we work.
View the strategy
Our vision
"We make a positive difference in everything we do"
This Strategy outlines our new, bold vision for the future, and the ways we will work in order to achieve our ambitions. We are committed to making positive changes that, in turn, have a positive impact on the people we support.
Our values
We provide safe care and support people to achieve their goals
We respect everyone in all we do
We offer high quality services, and we commit to ongoing improvement
We come together to create a culture that is welcoming, open and trusting
We work together to achieve the best outcomes for our people and communities.
Our strategic priorities - the four Ps
Our strategic priorities outline the high-level initiatives we will focus on in order to deliver the Trust vision. They will be a foundation for our decision making and resource allocation and form the basis of how we will measure performance and successful delivery of the Trust Strategy.
Our care and clinical decisions will be respectful of and responsive to the needs and values of our service users, patients, children, families and carers.
Strategic intent:
Our services will deliver safe and high-quality care.
What success will look like:
- Improved patient experience and satisfaction
- Co-producing the way we provide care with people who use our services
- Improved timely access to our services
- Continuous improvement underpins our way of working
- A safety and learning culture
- Retain and improve our Care Quality Commission (CQC) rating
- We get the basics right and this results in improved outcomes
- Staff are confident in managing risks using evidence-based interactions
- Multi-disciplinary team working is embedded throughout our services.
This priority is supported by the following enabling plans:
- Clinical Plan
- Digital Plan
- Patient and Carer Experience Strategy
- Quality Strategy
- Continuous Improvement Plan
- Research and Development Plan.
We will attract, involve and retain staff creating a positive culture and sense of belonging.
Strategic intent:
Derbyshire Healthcare is a great place to work.
What success will look like:
- Attracting a highly-skilled and diverse range of applicants to our roles
- Retaining our diverse talent through growth and development
- Staff survey results that are top scoring amongst our peers
- Competitive staff benefits and wellbeing offer
- Staff are delivering at the top of their professional standards
We are recognised as a truly diverse and inclusive Trust
- Opportunities for professional and career development We are recognised as a truly diverse and inclusive Trust
- Being the employer of choice.
This priority is supported by the following enabling plans:
- People Plan
- Communications Plan
- Digital Plan
- Research and Development Plan
- Continuous Improvement Plan.
We will improve our productivity and design and deliver services that are financially sustainable.
Strategic intent:
Our services will be productive, demonstrate best value for our population and be cost effective.
What success will look like:
- To increase productivity through continuous improvement approaches
- Understanding of our cost base
- Delivery of the agreed financial plan
- Reduction in overhead costs
- Increased proportion of money spent on community and care closer to home
- Our services access and use accurate and timely data to make improvements
- Our services make use of digital technologies
- Reduced NHS Carbon Footprint
- More efficient and effective use of our buildings
- Establish a business unit for income generation.
This priority is supported by the following enabling plans:
- Financial Sustainability Plan
- People Plan
- Sustainability Plan (incorporating the Green Plan
- Estates Plan
- Digital Plan
- Continuous Improvement Plan
- Research and Development Plan.
We will work with our system partners, explore new opportunities to support our communities and work with local people to shape our services and priorities.
Strategic intent:
Our organisation will identify new ways of working, through new collaborative approaches.
What success will look like:
- Develop community mental health services aligned to our communities and Place
- To be a lead provider for local mental health services
- Becoming a Teaching Trust
- Seamless pathways through integrated services
- Better understanding of our communities’ needs and health inequalities
- We work with our local communities to improve our services and support healthy lifestyles
- Co-production and co-development with Experts by Experience, carers and service users
- We deliver as an anchor organisation
- We are a strong partner in Joined Up Care Derbyshire and the East Midlands Alliance.
This priority is supported by the following enabling plans:
- Research and Development Plan
- Clinical Plan
- Community and Stakeholder Engagement Plan
- Communications Plan
- Digital Plan.
A culture of accountability
The Trust Strategy has been developed through an engagement approach, which has involved Trust colleagues, partners, Trust governors and representatives of our patients, service users and carers. A draft version of the Trust Strategy was also shared with external stakeholders for feedback.
Whilst engaging with people about the development of the Trust Strategy, a recurring point of discussion focused on how we will ensure people adhere to the Trust values, and how we can strengthen colleagues’ personal accountability to demonstrate the behaviours our values expect.
To achieve this, we have developed a new Personal Accountability Charter, that will sit alongside the new Trust Strategy.
Five clinical ambitions
Our clinical ambitions are that our services will:
- Be person-centred and prevent ill health
- Provide care at home or in the community where possible, through a partnership approach to promote individual and community resilience
- Ensure any admission to hospital is within Derbyshire and kept to the shortest effective period of time
- Be compassionate and take account of trauma-informed practice
- Involve people who use our services in designing their care and treatment, to meet personal goals throughout their lives.
We have also developed an image to illustrate these clinical ambitions. View this below. You can click on the image to view it full-screen.