We are a provider of NHS mental healthlearning disabilities and substance misuse (drugWe make a positive difference in everything we do.png and alcohol) services in Derby city and Derbyshire county. We also provide a wide range of children’s health services and we run the East Midlands Gambling Harms Service. We employ 3,000 people delivering services from a number of community bases across the whole of Derbyshire and from inpatient units in Derby and Chesterfield. Across the county and the city, we serve a combined population of approximately one million people.

Our story

Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust was established on 1 February 2011 when Monitor, the independent regulator of health services in England (later called NHS Improvement, which is now part of NHS England), authorised Derbyshire Mental Health Services NHS Trust to become a Foundation Trust. The organisation's name was changed to Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.

In April 2011 we became the provider of children’s universal and specialist services for Derby city following a successful tender process.

As part of the Transforming Community Services (TCS) programme, community paediatric services and substance misuse services were also transferred into the organisation from NHS Derby City.

Becoming a Foundation Trust

Foundation Trust status gives us more freedom to shape services to meet the needs of people in Derbyshire.

All providers of NHS funded services are required to hold and comply with the Monitor provider Licence. The full report authorising our Foundation Trust status can be found on the gov.uk website. Our Foundation Trust Constitution and Foundation Trust Constitution Licence can be found here which replace the terms of authorisation.

As a Foundation Trust we are required to build a membership which is as representative of the community we serve as possible. Members receive regular updates on our news and upcoming events. They are also represented by a Council of Governors. Learn more below.

Our vision and objectives

We have a clear vision for the Trust, underpinned by objectives that serve as the basis for decision making and forward planning. Our vision and objectives guide us in how we balance the interests of patients, the local community and other stakeholders. 

Learn more on the our vision page, and view our specific objectives in our current strategy document.

How we are organised

The Trust has a Board of Directors, sometimes known as the Trust Board. This Board has a responsibility to make the best use of financial resources and deliver the services people need, to standards of safety and quality which are agreed nationally.

A number of committees report to the Board of Directors:

  • Audit Committee
  • Finance and Performance Committee
  • Mental Health Act Committee
  • Quality and Safeguarding Committee
  • People and Culture Committee
  • Remuneration and Appointments Committee.

Learn more about the work of these committees on the 'our structure' page.

Our Members

Foundation Trusts have greater freedom to develop services that meet the needs of local communities. Local people are invited to become a member of the Trust, to work with us to provide the most suitable services for the local population. Learn more on our Members page.

Our Governors

Members’ views are represented at the Council of Governors meetings, by Governors who are appointed for specific groups of members known as constituencies. 

Governors canvass the opinion of the Trust’s members and the public, and communicate their views to the Board of Directors. Appointed governors also canvass the opinion of the body or organisation they represent.

The Trust makes sure that individual directors sitting on the Board of Directors develop an understanding of the views of Members and Governors by regularly attending the Council of Governors and making time for wider face-to-face contact.

Trust information and documents

Learn more about the Trust, and how to find information on this website, on our guide to information page