Published on: 8 November 2022
We need you: could you be our next governor?
We are about to start the election process for public members to sit on our Council of Governors and are inviting nominations. This is an excellent opportunity for members like you to become more involved.

Would you like to become involved in developing and improving the Trust’s services? If so, make a difference by putting your name forward to be a public governor! The Trust’s governors (who are volunteers) have an important role, working alongside Trust staff to represent the needs and views of their local members, with a shared aim to improve the delivery of local NHS services.
This year we have single seat vacancies in the following public constituencies areas:
- Amber Valley
- Derby City East
- Derby City West
- Erewash
- High Peak and Derbyshire Dales
The Council of Governors is responsible for representing the interests of members and the public, holding the non-executive directors to account and key appointments. The term of office is three years, beginning on 1 February 2023.
What you will do
- Represent the interests and views of local members
- Attend the Council of Governors meetings (all meetings are held during the day, usually on a Tuesday)
- Act as an ambassador for the Trust
- Hold non-executive directors to account for the
- Trust’s performance.
Interested in joining us?
If you are thinking about standing, nominations open on 14 November 2022 and the best way to submit a nomination is via the on-line portal as you can upload your election statement and photo direct and get instant confirmation. Forms are also available to download from this site.
Should you prefer to complete and return a form offline, they are available from 14 November 2022 from:
The Returning Officer
Civica Election Services, The Election Centre 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW
Tel: 020 8889 9203
The closing date for receipt of nominations by Civica Election Services is 5pm on 12 December 2022.
For your information, if we receive more nominations than vacancies, the next stage of the process will be for public members in those areas to vote for the candidates they would like to represent them on the Council of Governors.
Should you stand and be successful, you will be expected to attend a virtual induction session, date to be confirmed.
“It is really important our local people are represented on the Council of Governors so that their views and interests of the Trust are heard.”
Selina Ullah, Trust Chair
Who can stand in the elections?
You must be a member of Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and be over the age of 16.
We particularly welcome nominations from members of our communities that are currently underrepresented on our Council of Governors.
“I became a governor because I believe in sustaining the NHS and increasing its effectiveness in providing healthcare. I was elected this year and am really finding it an interesting role."
Ogechi Eze, public governor, Derby City West
Council of Governor meetings
The next Council of Governors meeting is taking place on:
- 7 March 2023 from 2.00-5.00pm
All are welcome to attend this meeting, which will be held virtually by Microsoft Teams, please book your invite by email at or by calling 01332 623723.
Finally, we would like to thank you for your continued support of Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and encourage you to apply to become a governor. If this is not for you, please use your vote to elect the public member you want to represent you on the Council of Governors.