Published on: 7 March 2023

Dr Arun Chidambaram, Medical Director, Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.jpgTo mark the 75th anniversary of the National Health Service (NHS) this year, senior NHS leaders across the country will be giving a series of talks in schools about what it’s like to work in the NHS – and the first official speech is taking place today, Tuesday 7 March, in Derbyshire. 

In preparation for the NHS’s 75th birthday celebrations in July, Dr Arun Chidambaram, Medical Director at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, will give a talk to students at Shirebrook Academy in north-east Derbyshire and explain about the 350 different careers that the NHS has to offer.

The programme of talks is a partnership between Speakers for Schools and NHS England and its aim is to help inspire young people to consider a career in the NHS, which remains a British institution after 75 years and is the country’s most trusted public service.

Dr Chidambaram, a psychiatrist by profession and the Medical Director at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust since October 2022, will explain that the NHS is much more than an employer of health professionals.

Dr Arun Chidambaram said: “I hope to persuade the students that there is a job for everyone in the NHS, no matter what their skills or interests. The NHS is more than doctors and nurses – there are amazing opportunities in finance, IT, catering, pharmacy, business administration, project management and, of course, a range of therapies.  
“This speech is also an opportunity for the students to hear more about the history of the NHS, how it started on 5 July 1948, how it has improved the health of our nation and how we intend to look at the long-term future with a focus on technology and innovation. I am keen to motivate the students to aim high and to be the best that they can be, hopefully working for the incredible institution that is the NHS.”  

Speakers for Schools is a UK-wide youth charity on a mission to help young people find their feet and get the best possible start in life. They believe every young person should have the opportunity to succeed and reach their potential.  To find out more about the Speakers for Schools programme, please visit their website.