Published on: 19 March 2025

Ahead of Down’s syndrome day (21 March), Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has shared a music video featuring members of its Learning Disabilities service with an important message about the risks of constipation. poobusters.png

Adam Chilcott, Daniel Hardy and Dan Walmsley are Strategic Health Facilitation Assistants at the Trust and the three appear in the video as members of ‘Poobusters’ – giving advice about how to spot the warning signs of constipation, and how to avoid it, whilst dancing along to a cheery soundtrack. This is an accessible video for people with a learning disability to facilitate conversation around constipation and what they can do about it.

Dan Walmsley, who took part in the video, said: "It felt great to be a part of the video. It is important that people know that if they are struggling to go to the toilet, there are people to talk to.”

The video was produced in collaboration with NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) using LeDeR funding. It seeks to highlight in a fun, accessible way how important it is for people with learning disabilities and their carers to understand the issues of constipation and the importance of recognising and dealing with this. LeDeR is a service improvement programme for people with a learning disability.

The Poobusters video, which is available to view on YouTube, has been viewed 28,000 times since its initial release in 2021.

The aim of the video is to better educate people with learning disabilities on the risks of constipation, how to avoid further discomfort and health concerns.

Vikki Ashton Taylor, Deputy Chief Executive/Chief Delivery Officer at Derbyshire Healthcare, said: "This is a really important partnership project with a clear message which stresses the importance around the risks of constipation for those with Down’s syndrome or another severe mental illness.

"It is essential that people with learning disabilities are equipped with knowledge of how to spot constipation and ways to help manage this.”