Published on: 29 July 2019

Teenage volunteers from the National Citizen Service (NCS) renewed a partnership with the Trust’s CAMHS at Temple House in Derby and raised money to make a difference to service users there. ncs-at-camhs.jpg

NCS is a three-week programme involving young people age 15 – 17, and one of the elements is for the team to devise and work on a community project. Last year a group from NCS created some artwork to brighten up Temple House.

This year Team Tree organised fund-raising activities which raised a total of £720.

The money has been used to fund pens, pencils, crayons and colouring books for the rooms at Temple House.

It was also used to pay for two benches for outside which the teenagers have painted. They also bought and painted canvases to put up around the building and donated £215 to participation activities and play supplies.

Pictured is the group with all the supplies and items they bought with funds raised.

CAMHS Expert by Experience Leanne Walker said: “They have done an amazing job and we wanted to share this with everyone. This is a great partnership and we are looking forward to hopefully working again with NCS next year.”