Published on: 11 March 2021

People working at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust have given the organisation a resounding thumbs up in its most recent annual NHS National Staff Survey. The survey, which was undertaken in October 2020 and looked back at what it was like to work for the Trust in the preceding year, has provided the Trust with a glowing set of results that place the organisation in the top categories when compared with other similar organisations.
Three quarters of staff at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust said they would recommend the Trust a place to work. The survey also showed that 73% of staff said they would recommend the Trust’s services to a friend or relative. This feedback is an improvement of approximately 10% in comparison with recent years and marks a significant increase for a second year running.
The Trust received the best feedback amongst its comparator group on the steps being taken to improve colleagues’ health and wellbeing and overall morale, where Derbyshire Healthcare received the highest scores overall, and support from line managers, where the Trust shared the top spot.
These positive results from confirm Derbyshire Healthcare as one of the best trusts for providing mental health, learning disability and community services. Other highlights from the survey include positive feedback about staff engagement, the Trust’s focus on staff health and wellbeing and opportunities for flexible working.
Chief Executive Ifti Majid said: “In what has been a particularly difficult year, I am delighted with the positive feedback received from colleagues working across all of our services in Derbyshire. In Derbyshire Healthcare we have an embedded team approach, and it is clear that we have achieved these improvements together.
“Within the Trust we have a genuine commitment to supporting our colleagues and their wellbeing and we have worked hard to protect our staff and our patients over the last year as we have all experienced the impacts of the pandemic. We will continue with our approach and work together to help make Derbyshire Healthcare an even greater place to work and receive care.
“There are still areas where we can do more and I am committed to continue to make improvements following our staff feedback.”
The full results can be seen here and a visual representation of the results is available here.
Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has a range of recruitment opportunities and welcomes new members to its team. Please read more at: