Published on: 22 July 2024

Only presented to those who have demonstrated the highest level of care and standards – a Derbyshire based NHS support worker has received a national award from NHS England for showcasing excellence across the healthcare profession.

Lynne Woodroffe, Specialist Dementia Support Worker at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, has been presented with a Chief Nursing Officer Award for providing compassionate and person-centred care to dementia patients, particularly for supporting a patient who was declining in health.

A team working closely with Lynne shared their appreciation in a winning nomination, which read: “Lynne offers lots of support to our service users and carers, managing complex and difficult situations including risk management, de-escalation and carers’ support. Unfortunately, we had a service user who declined rapidly in his health. There were high levels of stress and upset in the family, including his wife who had her own health problems. Lynne offered sensitive, person-centred and compassionate support and the family were extremely grateful and have since contacted the team to repeat their gratitude.”

Lynne has worked as a Specialist Dementia Support Worker since November 2018 at Derbyshire Healthcare. Her colleagues describe her as a “team player who always supports her colleagues in difficult situations, to help take the pressure off other nursing colleagues. She can adapt well to situations and the team welcome her depth of knowledge when exploring how to address certain triggers and patterns with patients.”

Speaking after receiving her award, Lynne said: “I was extremely shocked but privileged to receive this award. I am proud to be part of the NHS and to work for a team that truly believes in patient-centred care and the importance of listening and understanding the patient and their loved ones to help best inform their care plan.”

Mark Powell, Chief Executive at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, presented Lynne with a badge of honour and certificate of achievement. He said: “A huge congratulations to Lynne on her impressive achievement – it is great to hear her outstanding contributions to patient care have not gone unnoticed.

“We have an incredible workforce of health care support workers who work exceptionally hard to provide outstanding care to their patients –Lynne is a great example and we are very lucky to have her on board at Derbyshire Healthcare.”

Nick Holburn, Healthcare Support Worker Development Lead at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, also thanked Lynne for her efforts. He said: “Patients who fall under Lynne’s supervision are lucky to benefit from such a talented, hardworking and caring individual.

“I am delighted to be able to sing her praises and share this good news far and wide. I particularly want to promote how much of an inspiration Lynne is to her colleagues regarding the care she provides to those who are vulnerable, helping enrich their experience with us at the Trust.”

If anyone has experienced good care from a member of staff at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, they can nominate them through the Trust’s internal recognition scheme by filling in a DEED nomination form or share the news with the Communications and Engagement team to explore external awards which help recognise our staff and the fantastic work they do.