Published on: 27 September 2021

A new service for those wanting to cut down their alcohol use is being launched in Derby in October.

‘Drinkwise Derby’ will provide online advice and self-help suggestions at, as well as access to brief interventions with a specialist worker for those who need it. 

The service is being launched by Derby Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service (DDARS), a partnership which provides advice, support and treatment to help people make positive changes in their drug or alcohol use. The partnership is made up of Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Phoenix Futures and Aquarius.

Drinkwise Derby will particularly seek to help those in need of low-level support – that is, those who are drinking a little more than the recommended weekly amount or who are concerned about their drinking, perhaps because of an alcohol-related accident or injury or because of how their drinking is making them feel.  

Enjoying a drink has become a normal part of life for many of us. It’s associated with special occasions and helps us to unwind after a busy day. However, sometimes it stops being fun and starts to feel a bit out of hand. If you’ve been polishing off a bottle of wine when you only intended to have a glass or two, or ended up drinking six pints with your mates when you promised yourself you’d stop at three, Drinkwise Derby is for you.

Emma Booth, one of the managers involved in the development of the new service, commented: “We all know how difficult it has been coping with lockdowns and the pandemic in general. Drinkwise Derby offers self help, tips and tools for those who want to reduce their alcohol use. It also provides the opportunity for people to talk to us if they feel they need additional specialist support.”

Research indicates that the number of people with a lower-level need for support has increased during the pandemic, with 28% of people in one survey reporting that they have increased their alcohol use. Drinkwise Derby will seek to help those with a lower level need, to prevent the escalation of alcohol use.

DDARS is also updating its existing service website. Following the planned launch on 5 October, you can visit the new Derby Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service website at where you can also find a link to Drinkwise Derby. The Drinkwise Derby site can also be accessed directly at