Published on: 3 May 2024

A Derbyshire NHS mental health worker who formerly received support for her social anxiety is celebrating after publishing her second book and being invited to present an award at a prestigious national mental health awards ceremony.

Leanne Walker, a mental health and expert by experience worker at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, has illustrated new book ‘The Kid in the Crate’ and this week presented two awards at the national Positive Practice Awards, which is celebrating its 10-year anniversary: the Children and Young People's award and the Peer Support award.

Leanne first accessed the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) when she was 15 and has since been interested in all things mental health, particularly in sharing her experiences and changing services to give better outcomes for children and young people.

Leanne’s first book, co-edited along with Hannah Sharp, was published last year by Routledge and gave practical advice to health professionals on how to involve children and young people in shaping mental health services. It led to Leanne winning a National Service User Award in September 2023 in the ‘lived experience leader’ category.

The Kid in the Crate has been written by Duncan Law – a clinical psychologist working across mental health settings both for adults and for children and young people – and Wendy Minhinnett, who is a parent with lived experience and has been involved in a variety of initiatives to promote the role that parents and carers can play in improving children and young people’s mental health. Leanne, as illustrator, worked with Duncan and Wendy to co-create the book, which is an allegorical tale aiming to spark conversations about how best to support children and young people experiencing mental health difficulties. The book concludes with a series of thought-provoking questions around the story’s overarching message and signposts readers to support services.

Leanne said: “I met Duncan 10 years ago when we ended up presenting at an event together. We have connected over the years since then and worked on various projects. When Duncan asked me to be involved in the book I didn’t hesitate as all the work Duncan has done has been impactful. As I began to read Duncan’s words, images instantly came to mind of what I would draw.

“It’s been incredible to work with both Duncan and Wendy to bring the words to life as well as receive positive feedback so far. I want the Kid in the Crate to be a conversation starter around mental health and broader factors in care.

“Off the back of this and other projects, I was also asked to present at a national award ceremony, which was a wonderful occasion – and just goes to show how far I have come since having my own struggles with social anxiety,” said Leanne.

“I can only thank those in the CAMHS service and across Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust for supporting me throughout my time with the Trust both as a former service user and in the roles I have had since. It has opened up a lot of opportunities for me to get involved in the development of a range of mental health services. I owe a lot to those in CAMHS, and those I have crossed paths with across the Trust, for changing my life.”

Mark Powell, Chief Executive at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, said: “It is no surprise that Leanne has been involved in more fantastic work with having the opportunity to present at a national award ceremony and also with the news of her new book. This follows on from her more recent success writing a book to support children and young people’s mental health.

“We're fortunate to have Leanne representing patients and ensuring their voice is heard as we develop our mental health services for Derbyshire residents.”

The Kid in the Crate is available to purchase on The Kid in the Crate website.