Published on: 18 July 2024

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Nominations for Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust’s 2023 HEARTS 2024 hearts awards logo.jpg(Honouring Exceptional and Really Terrific Staff) Awards are open for members of the public to recognise the care and support of Trust staff and volunteers. 

The public, carers and service users can nominate in all our categories from amongst the Trust's workforce and volunteers.  

Recognise the fantastic work of a Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust employee or volunteer by nominating them using the short form below. 

Alternatively, nominations can be sent by email and should include the name of the person nominated and where they work, and the name and contact details of the person making the nomination, and up to 400 words explaining the reason for the nomination. Send this information to 
Nominations close on Friday 6 September. The nominations will then be judged by a panel that includes a local patient representative and the chosen finalists in each category will be invited to the awards ceremony in November. 

Take a look at the categories below: 

  1. Clinical Team of the Year - For teams that have risen to the challenge of working in ever changing circumstances and have delivered compassionate care to patients. 

  1. Non-Clinical/ Corporate Team of the Year - For working tirelessly, facing challenging issues and working effectively for the wider benefit of the Trust and patients. 

  1. Rising Star - This award celebrates outstanding performance within the organisation and celebrates growing talent at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. This person will be new to the NHS or their profession and have made exceptional contributions to their team and service.  

  1. Inspirational Leader - For showing real care and compassion for colleagues, always finding time to listen to concerns, remaining available and open to discussion and offering support and guidance.  

  1. Derbyshire Healthcare Lifetime Achievement – To celebrate NHS75, this award is to honour a member of the Trust who has dedicated at least 25 years of their career to the NHS. They will truly reflect the Trust values and will have demonstrated a commitment to providing support and care to patients and staff.    

  1. Outstanding Care and Compassion Award – This award is for an individual who goes that extra mile to ensure their service is caring and compassionate and makes a difference to the lives of patients, service users, carers and staff.  

  1. Environment Impact/ Green Award – This award is for a team who can demonstrate the achievements and progress being made across the Trust to tackle carbon reduction, implement sustainable practices and improve the health of the community.   

  1. Quality Improvement/ Research Excellence Award – This award will go to an team which can demonstrate an outstanding and innovative contribution to research and development and Quality Improvement.  

  1. Equality and Diversity Award – This award recognises a team that has made significant contributions to tackle health inequalities for patients and communities, or promoted equality and inclusion in the workplace.  

  1. Making a Difference Award – For making a positive difference to the lives of the people we serve day to day by taking initiative without being prompted, demonstrating exceptional reliability and a willingness to help, and embodying our values: Respect, Honesty, People First and Do your Best.