Published on: 9 June 2023

In April we asked for your suggestions on what we should name our new and refurbished healthcare facilities, including:

  • The new Chesterfield Adult Acute Inpatient Unit for adults of working age
  • The new Kingsway Adult Acute Inpatient Unit for men
  • The new Kingsway Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit for men
  • The Blue Ward at Walton Hospital, Chesterfield, which is being refurbished for our older adult service users (men and women).

A very big thank you to everybody who entered the competition.  The development of our new services is an exciting time for the Trust, our staff, partners and patients and this has certainly been felt with the level of interest people have had in naming the new facilities!

Thank you also to the shortlisting panel which met earlier this week to consider your entries.  This comprised Selina Ullah (Chair), Les Ralph (EQUAL forum member), Christine Williamson (Governor for Derby City West and EQUAL forum member) and myself.  We were overwhelmed at the response and quality of submissions we received, with suggestions coming from more than 70 colleagues, partners and service users.

There were some clear themes and preferences coming from your ideas, with most suggestions received for the two new acute units being based on geographical areas within Derbyshire, in line with the naming of the majority of other inpatient units within the Trust. In contrast, it was clear that people wanted a different type of name for the new Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) with many suggestions focused on birds, tree and flowers.

The suggestions for the Blue Ward at Walton Hospital, largely remained within the blue theme, complementing the existing name – but again had a connection to nature, in line with the majority of other ideas received.

Colleagues, staff and service users were also asked for views on whether to change or keep the names of the Radbourne Unit and Audrey House when they are refurbished for their new use. The majority of people voted for BOTH names to remain, therefore there will be no changes to those unit names. Thank you for your views on this.

Many people also took the opportunity to suggest new names for our wards, as well as names for the units.  Given the number of nature themed suggestions which focus on flowers, trees, wildlife and birds, and in order to capture the many wonderful ideas received, the panel agreed to open up the voting for the ward names for the units in the next stage of this naming competition, in line with the promise to involve staff and services users in all aspects of the facilities.

Given the frequency of some of the names suggested, the panel felt it was appropriate to include the most popular suggestions received in the final vote, together wih more unique suggestions that captured their attention.

The next stage is for people to vote on the shortlisted entries, which were agreed by the shortlisting panel. These are:


  • Kingsway Adult Acute Inpatient Unit – to be called the Castleton Unit OR the Carsington Unit
  • with three wards - to either be called Kestrel Ward, Falcon Ward and Peregrine Ward OR Wren Ward, Dove Ward and Robin Ward
  • The adjacent Kingsway Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit – to be called Kingfisher House OR Phoenix House


  • Chesterfield Adult Acute Inpatient Unit – to be called the Derwent Unit OR the Birchen Unit
  • with three wards – to either be called Cedar Ward, Maple Ward and Pine Ward OR Sycamore Ward, Willow Ward and Oak Ward 

Walton Hospital:

  • Blue Ward, Walton Hospital - to be re-named as Bluebell Ward OR Lavender Ward

Radbourne Unit:

  • Radbourne Unit two WARDS - to either be called Jasmine Ward and Orchid Ward OR Rose Ward and Tulip Ward.

Please click here to select your preference of the options outlined above!

Paper copies of the voting form are also available at the Radbourne Unit and Hartington Unit receptions, or on request from the Communications and Engagement team on or 01332 623700 ext 31218.

Please note, as the shortlisting panel agreed to include some of the most popular suggestions, the winning entry will be drawn at random if multiple people suggested the chosen name, in order to allocate the prize of the £50 gift voucher.

The competition is now open for just over two weeks and closes at midnight on Sunday 25 June. The winning names will be announced on the NHS 75th birthday - Wednesday 5 July. Please note that only one vote per unit, per person, will be accepted.  Please share this opportunity and get voting!!

Thank you again for all the brilliant suggestions that were submitted and to everyone who has participated in this competition to date.


Mark Powell
Chief Executive


Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Making a positive difference - Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust


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