Published on: 12 August 2019

Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust holds its Annual Members’ Meeting (AMM) from 4pm on Wednesday 11 September at Kingsway Hospital in Derby.  Jpeg-of-amm-poster-2019.JPG

The meeting offers people a chance to reflect on the organisation’s progress over the last 12 months and understand plans for the year ahead. This year the meeting will open with a series of presentations that demonstrate the Trust’s commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, and developments that have taken place throughout the year.

The formal meeting will take place from 4pm, with a marketplace of stalls being available to members from 2.30pm. There will also be an opportunity to pick up a copy of the Annual Report and Accounts for 2018/19.

This year the meeting will also announce the winners of the Trust’s writing competition, which has welcomed entries on the subject of ‘looking back/looking forwards’. Joanna Cannon, who formerly worked for the Trust as a doctor specialising in psychiatry at the Radbourne Unit in Derby, and who is now the bestselling author of ‘The Trouble with Goats and Sheep’, was among the judges. Awards will be presented to the competition winners at the meeting.

Key opportunity

The AMM will be hosted by Trust Chair Caroline Maley, who said: “The Annual Members’ Meeting is a key opportunity to reflect on our progress and share our achievements from the last year. I would like to encourage local members and the people of Derbyshire to come along to the AMM on 11 September to learn more about what we do and how they can get involved.

“The event also gives our members the chance to put questions to our Board of Directors, to chat with their local governor and pick up a copy of our Annual Report and Accounts.”  

Attendees are invited to arrive from 2.30pm for refreshments and to view the market place of stalls celebrating equality and diversity and providing information about Derbyshire Healthcare services. The formal meeting starts at 4pm. There will also be an opportunity to meet and speak to Trust governors.

Asking a question at the meeting

We ask for questions to be raised in advance so that there is proper time to investigate and research the issue and prepare a satisfactory response.

Anyone who would like to raise a question to be answered at the meeting should email or call 01332 623723.