Published on: 23 November 2018

Delivering Excellence Awards 2018 LOGO 150dpi.jpgThank you to everyone who attended our annual Delivering Excellence Awards ceremony on 22 November, where we recognised the fantastic achievements of our staff and volunteers.

All the award nominations had been considered by a judging panel made up of Ifti Majid, Trust Chief Executive; Caroline Maley, Trust Chair; Darryl Thompson, Deputy Director of Nursing; Carole Riley, Deputy Lead Governor; and Kate Smith, Expert by Experience.

shortlist of awards finalists was decided, and all the finalists were invited to yesterday’s ceremony, where the winners were also announced.

And the winners are (drumroll)…

Compassion in Practice Award

Winner – Anita Sudan, Highly Specialised Chartered Clinical Psychologist, South Derbyshire and Dales Adult Recovery 
Nominated by a patient and also by their carer for always being “patient-centred and passionate about her job, and 110% committed to her role and ensuring her patients receive the best possible care.”

DEED of the Year Award

Winner – Marie White, Health Visitor and Practice Teacher – Rosehilll Locality 
For her “effervescent enthusiasm and commitment” to Derby families, from running Operation Winter Coat to training student health visitors and student nurses.

Going the Extra Mile Award

Winner – Lisa Allen, Personal Assistant, Community Paediatrics, Temple House 
For working with “great care and sensitivity and professionalism” and for going out of her way to ensure that parents get essential prescriptions. One family with a terminally ill member would otherwise have had to travel 20 miles to collect their prescription and Lisa provided a practical service and informal support and kindness.

Health Hero Award

Winner – Helen Gaskin, Nursing Assistant, Cubley Court Female 
For embodying the Trust’s values “personally and professionally” and putting the patients first in her role. A nursing assistant for the Trust since 1980, Helen believes that “fun and laughter are essential human needs”, and has forged good therapeutic relationships with patients in her care.

Inclusion and Partnership Award

Winner – Noel O’Sullivan, Peer Supporter, across the Trust 
For his work in peer support as a former service user; Noel has helped facilitate recovery courses and has had a lot of positive feedback about the way he shares his experiences, which service users can really identify with. He helps organise activities at an evening group and has also set up an independent social group.

Innovation Award

Winner – Julie Mannion, Health Visitor, Allestree and Darley Abbey Team 
For developing and delivering a new training programme to help women with post-natal depression (PND). Her innovative way of working has transformed health visitors’ work with mothers who have PND.

Inspirational Leader Award

Winner – Louise Jenkins, Clinical Lead – Specialist Nursing Teams Learning Disabilities, St Pauls House 
For being a “truly inspirational individual, both personally and professionally”. She delivers care in the most respectful and compassionate of ways, inspiring others to learn and develop alongside her.

Rising Star Award

Winner – Amy Harcombe, Registered Nurse, Killamarsh and North Chesterfield Neighbourhood Team 
For growing in confidence, skills and knowledge, and showing a willingness to learn and seek advice. When the Beast from the East brought problems with medication delivery, Amy and her partner delivered supplies to clients, as well as helping a member of the public who had fallen in the snow.

Volunteer Award

Winner – Emma Roberts, Derby Community Parent Programme 
For completing 26 weeks’ training in her own time, to support vulnerable expectant parents during pregnancy, labour, birth and the early transition into parenthood. This includes being on call for four weeks when the parent is due to give birth. Her support has brought better outcomes for mothers and babies.

Long Service Awards

At the ceremony, two members of staff with 40 years’ service were also recognised. Congratulations to:

Liz Bates, Deputy Head of Estates & Facilities

Robert Tomlinson, Mechanical Technician.