Published on: 24 September 2018

Delivering Excellence Awards 2018 LOGO 150dpi.jpgThe Delivering Excellence Awards are our annual awards recognising staff and volunteers. Thanks to everyone who submitted a nomination for this year’s awards. All the nominations were considered by a judging panel made up of Ifti Majid, Trust Chief Executive; Caroline Maley, Trust Chair; Darryl Thompson, Deputy Director of Nursing; Carole Riley, Deputy Lead Governor; and Kate Smith, Expert by Experience.

And the finalists – in alphabetical order by surname – who will be invited to the awards ceremony on 22 November are…


Zoe Everingham, School Nurse, St Giles Special School

Nominated by a patient’s carer for working with their child, who has severe learning difficulties, to manage their diabetes. She has trained teachers to do injections, created a symbol book to help with hospital visits and worked on transition to the next school. She has made “a massive difference” and will be “missed a great deal”.

Neil Leahy, Health Care Assistant, Dovedale Day Hospital

Nominated by a patient’s relative for his friendly support, making them feel “intelligent and important”. This had a real impact on their life and made “them feel truly valued”.

Anita Sudan, Highly Specialised Chartered Clinical Psychologist, South Derbyshire and Dales Adult Recovery

Nominated by a patient and also by their carer for always being “patient-centred and passionate about her job, 110% committed to her role and ensuring her patients receive the best possible care”. She took time to learn about the patient’s physical condition and formulated an effective care plan, which led to them feeling “safe and in control”. She has given up her own time to provide support to the patient and their family “long into the evening and over the weekends”.


Lisa Allen, Personal Assistant Community Paediatrics, Temple House

For working with “great care and sensitivity and professionalism” and for going out of her way to ensure that parents get essential prescriptions. One family with a terminally ill member would otherwise have had to travel 20 miles to collect their prescription and Lisa provided a practical service and informal support and kindness.

Tracy Cook, Secretarial Support, Killamarsh and North Chesterfield Neighbourhood Team

For being “everyone's mum” and looking after the team's emotional and professional needs. During the snowy weather she walked into work, answered calls and reassured clients. “She is assertive, professional, compassionate and caring with clients, carers and staff.”

Adam Wszolek, Admin Support, County South and Dales Adult Recovery Team

For his efforts to put the patient at the centre of everything he does. He “takes time to speak to patients” and calls them back with updates. His knowledge of Polish has proved invaluable when dealing with patients with little English.


Helen Gaskin, Nursing Assistant, Cubley Court Female

For embodying the Trust’s values “personally and professionally” and putting the patients first in her role. A Nursing Assistant for the Trust since 1980, she really believes that “fun and laughter are essential human needs”, and has forged good therapeutic relationships with patients in her care.

David Henstock, Clinical Lead, Substance Misuse, Liaison Team North

For his pioneering work on the Fibroscan project. He spent his own time in meetings for this project, secured funding and ensured that parity was given to patients in the Hartington Unit and substance misuse patients. He also maintained “extremely high standards of practice” in his role as the clinical lead.

Angela Kerry, Voluntary Sector Governor

For her work managing Derbyshire Mental Health Forum, and her “passion and commitment”. She arranged a training and development session on mental health awareness for the Trust’s Council of Governors, giving governors an understanding of the issues that arise for people suffering from mental distress and illness.


Clare Farnsworth, Recreation Lead, Hartington Unit

For her “impressive” efforts setting up the Rockbox sessions at the Hartington Unit, working with community partners and used for the benefit of staff and patients to have fun and exercise together, supporting the wellbeing of colleagues as well as patients.

Shirley Houston, Engagement Officer, Communications and Involvement

For her efforts to work collaboratively with other services on many projects and events and her “approachable and enthusiastic” attitude. She was also praised by a colleague for her knowledge and her passion for what she does and always being ready to help.

Noel O’Sullivan, Peer Supporter, across the Trust

For his work in peer support as a former service user; he has helped facilitate recovery courses and has had a lot of positive feedback about his sharing of his experiences, which service users can really identify with. He helps organise activities at an evening group and has also set up an independent social group. 


Claire Fennemore, Registered Nurse, Cubley Court Male

For her innovative idea of bringing the seaside and summer holidays to Cubley Court, working in her own time and obtaining support from local businesses, allowing the service users to access the beach and have a holiday experience.

Julie Mannion, Health Visitor, Allestree and Darley Abbey Team

For developing and delivering a new training programme to help women with post-natal depression. Her delivery style and passion are described as “the driving force of this project”. Her innovative way of working has transformed health visitors’ work with mothers who have PND and there have been a number of positive outcomes.


Louise Jenkins, Clinical Lead - Specialist Nursing Teams Learning Disabilities, St Pauls House

For being a “truly inspirational individual both personally and professionally”. She delivers care in the most respectful and compassionate of ways, inspiring others to learn and develop alongside her. Her work at Ivy House School has seen her develop a specialist nursing team working with children with the most complex needs. She is “a quietly humble and compassionate individual”.

Karen Sangha, Advanced Clinical Practitioner OT, Radbourne Unit

For developing and embedding evidence-based practice, exploring new and innovative ways of working in line with NICE guidelines, best practice and clinical audit. Karen has strengthened community partnership working, including involvement with Common Threads, Quad and the development of new Hub groups. She motivates and inspires her team with her energy and enthusiasm.

Victoria Walker, Lead Nurse, Tansley Ward, Hartington Unit

For being an exceptionally inspirational leader with her “infectious aura of enthusiasm and positivity” that inspires colleagues and patients, lifting the team's morale. She shares her wealth of knowledge and experience and integrates it in to everyday practice, using issues and challenges as learning opportunities, and supporting colleagues with professional goals.


Kirsty Butterfield, Paediatric Physiotherapist, The Lighthouse

For dealing with a complex and upsetting safeguarding concern with professionalism, compassion and dignity, following up with a presentation to the team to help with dealing with a similar incident in the future. She works two days a week and she is “a driving force” in the team.

Amy Harcombe, Registered Nurse, Killamarsh and North Chesterfield Neighbourhood Team

For growing in confidence, skills and knowledge, showing willingness to learn and seek advice. She offered to escort CQC during the team's inspection and speak to the Chief Executive when Ifti visited. When the Beast from the East brought problems with medication delivery, Amy and her partner delivered supplies to clients, as well as helping a member of the public who had fallen in the snow.

Stacy Rach, Lead Nurse, Morton Ward, Hartington Unit

For her passion for her role and her “keen sense of belonging”. She is passionate about her patients and her colleagues and always bright and cheerful. Since gaining her promotion to lead nurse she has identified and embraced her new responsibilities, staying late to deal with issues and inspiring others while ensuring that all staff feel supported and cared for.


Gail Asher, Expert by Experience, CAMHS

For her “commitment, dedication and passion” to make the service the best it can be. Gail has volunteered many hours, attending meetings, writing minutes, helping interview, attending quality visits, supporting projects. “Helping to improve things for other families isn’t something she had to do and that says a lot about the type of person she is.”

Claire Brassington, Derby Community Parent Programme

For her “hugely selfless commitment” to offering peer support for vulnerable expectant parents in the Derby area, including being on call 24/7 to be a birth partner for four weeks around the mother’s due date and stepping up several times as an emergency birth support partner.

Emma Roberts, Derby Community Parent Programme

For completing 26 weeks’ training in her own time, to support vulnerable expectant parents in during pregnancy, labour, birth and the early transition into parenthood. This includes being on call for four weeks when the parent is due to give birth. Her support has brought better outcomes for mothers and babies. 


Selected from amongst the monthly winners of our DEED recognition scheme - Delivering Excellence Every Day.


Also being honoured at the awards ceremony will be some of our longest-serving staff: those with 40 years' service.