Published on: 18 February 2020

Almost two-thirds of staff at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust would recommend the Trust as a great place to work, according to the annual NHS National Staff Survey. This is an improvement of 8.6% from the feedback received from colleagues last year and reflects significant improvements within the Trust.
A similar number of colleagues also said they would recommend Derbyshire Healthcare as a place to receive care or treatment, which is a 4.6% increase from the response last year.
Overall feedback in the survey reflected that the Trust received scores that were higher than the national average in seven out of 11 categories when compared with the results received by other trusts that provide similar services.
Feedback remained consistent in the other two categories, and the Trust did not receive lower feedback in any category when compared to the results from the previous year.
Particular highlights include positive feedback about staff morale, quality of care, and equality, diversity and inclusion.
Chief Executive Ifti Majid says: “I’m delighted that the feedback staff have given is really positive and provides a strong set of results. The results reflect the hard work over the last year to improve how we focus on our colleagues, in the knowledge that a well-engaged and informed workforce has a direct impact on improved patient care.
“However I am not complacent. There are some areas where the survey shows we still have more to do and I am committed to continuing to make improvements following staff feedback and other routes where staff share their views.”
The full results can be seen here.